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How the time flies, eh?

Whew. I wish there was one big thing I could point at, to say, “That. That Big Thing there is my nice,, juicy excuse for radio silence,” but no.

It’s more like I got swept away by a tsunami of tedious, tiny, trivial things.

Tsunamis, (as you may know already, and contrary to all the portrayals I’ve been watching in my latest round of Bad Disaster Movies) do NOT hit the shoreline like giant surf monsters that crash over the tops of buildings. Nope. They roll up the beach like any other wave, except they Just. Keep. Coming.

I’m not going to list them all here. Even the thought of that is exhausting. Instead I’ll tackle things one to two per post, because maybe that’ll maybe keep me coming back to the keyboard.

These are the tricks I play on my brain. Sometimes I even win.

House renovation continues, but with supply hiccups & communication-related setbacks. Everything’s fine, and damn, what’s done looks fab, but the disruptions and changes and shifts just melt my brain. ANYway.

One thing I’ve done with my time is to organize all the progress photos I’ve been taking of the project. There are…rather a LOT. So many I’m getting self-conscious about sharing them.


Below you’ll find a link to a Google Folder, with pics titled in order. I’ve added title cards for each location I update whenever there’s a visible change. (Usually once a week.)

All The Best Renovation Photos So Far

I’ll be updating that folder instead of uploading photos scattershot into various posts here or on Patreon. That way I can easily take them all down when things are done if I don’t feel like leaving them up forever. (I know, image scrapers exist, and other things, but shhhhhh, don’t wake the paranoia. kthx.)

And here’s funny little new development: Pippin is discovering the Power of The Meow. He’s always called for backup before he settles in for a long drink, and chirruped excitedly when offered creamm cheese or Churu treats. Lately he’s seriously upped his vocalization game with announcements of Impending Misbehavior, cries of Inconsolable Loneliness, and serenades to the Mysterious Cat In The Hall Mirror.

I’m spending my morning tea time on the front porch these days, since it’s more accessible than the back (due to construction.) Also it’s more shaded during the AM. Pips has taken to sitting at the door crying and complaining until he’s allowed to join me outside.

Since he’s not allowed outside without leash and harness, leash training is another ongoing project. It’s fun, and he’s adorable. Here are pics. Only one of him in harness, but the others are too cute not to share.

Book things! Oh, so many book things. I have back cover copy for the anthology in progress (thanks to the talents of The Literary Mercenary) the book cover is in progress (thanks to the artistic genius of Dex Greenbright) and I have accidentally given myself a new side quest, errr, writing project.

Working title: An AudHD Auntie’s Guide To Traveling While Neurodivergent. It kinda came out of left field, but honestly all my best projects seem to start that way, so I’mma go with it as long as the inspiration lasts. I’m having fun jotting down ideas, so that’s a grand beginning.

And that, I think, is enough for one post. Until later.

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