The week isn’t quite over yet.
I'm making up for last week's shortage of Pippin pics by posting a bunch this time.
Right this moment he's sleeping on a chair in Spokesman's office while the third (UGH THREE) sump pit is being added to our foundation & a supplementary sump pump system is being installed.
As you can see, he could not care less about the noise or fuss.
Me, I have left project oversight in Spouseman's capable hands and fled to the library where it's quiet and I can pretend everything is going to be just fine. (It will be. The sensible upstairs parts of my brain acknowledge this. Alas, I am having an impossible time convincing my nerves of that rational, obvious outcome.)
The problem is that the whole fix-the-basement thing feels like a nightmare edition of If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.
Flood meant we needed drainage installed, plus sump pump, which was its own big disruptive adventure. Then the first big storm with new sump revealed yard drainage is inadequate for discharge. Then solution for that is apparently a supplemental pump in new location. And now supplemental discharge needs a p[lace to go and a way to get it there....and the sump installers don't do that.
So now we'll have more discharge right by the house unless we figure out what kind of sump discharge hose we can use to get the drainage away, find and buy the hose, and get it installed before our next rain....which will be in a couple of days max.
So many steps. So much Extra Extraness. I know Spouseman is going to take care of it, but I don't know HOW, and so It's all Entirely Exhausting and Nerve-fraying, not gonna lie.
So anyway, that's why right now I am struggling to be more like Pips -- remembering that I do have ample shelter, food and comforts, that nothing is actively in disaster mode right now, and other people are working on solutions.
I just gotta take deep breaths, focus on my senses, and enjoy good things. Right? Like this:
Pippin overflows his cat basket, but he is comfy there nonetheless.
Right. But it's not nearly as easy to do as I would like..
I suppose when I think about it, "Be more like a cat" is probably good advice on a universal basis. I mean, that attitude towards life has a lot to recommend it.
Look at that. So much relaxation.
Anyway. When I get a chance, I'll also post an update on Fancify Floor 2, the Other Big Disruption Project. It will have to wait until I have more bandwidth, though, both figurative and literal. Library internet is grand, but nothing like zoom fast home internet.
It is going amazingly well, and I have fun progress pics to share,
That's all until later!