Wait. How is it Friday already?

I know exactly how it happened, I’m pretty solid on the whole “how time works” thing, have been since, oh, first or second grade, but wow. Week go zoomie-zoom-zoom.

One of the reasons the time flew by is that I started the week with a hyperfocus thing into the WTAF United States Political Sitch Right Now. That resulted in a long blog post…which I immediately scrapped cuz plenty of other people wrote much more coherent and less cranky takes. I will point at Cat Valente’s newsletter Welcome To Garbagetown and suggest reading it. (that’s good advice in general too, by the way. Excellent stuff.)

So anyway, my whole “get things written as they happen” met reality and took a nap, but I’m gonna jot down some notes now so in a few more days/weeks/months when I’m beating myself up over being a complete slug, I can say, “Yes, dammit, I did a buncha stuff, even if it mostly wasn’t what I originally planned. Look. I wrote it all down.”

Sunday: Day of rest & relaxation with friend. Bought random house things at IKEA, because who doesn’t need cheap poster frames & $2 flexible plastic cutting mats that can be repurposed for dozens of things? Friend had a coupon for a new restaurant that did Fancy Italian quite well (Bella Napoli, in Schaumburg IL) which took care of lunch AND dinner in that way Italian leftovers do, and in the evening I did all the laundry. Yup. All. The. Laundry.

Monday. Fuck if I know what happened. I must’ve done something other than surf the internet and watch people lose their minds over Kamala Harris , right? It was a whole-ass day. But it was two days ago now, and I don’t remember doing anything useful. On our evening walk we noticed “No Parking Monday through Friday” signs went up all along the block, which was a Significant Clue the road work should be starting again soon.

In the evening we continued Spouseman’s Movie Catchup Curriculum with Into The Storm. Half an hour into the movie he realized he had seen it before with me, he’d just forgotten it because it was so bad. (He insisted he wanted to keep watching to the end anyway for mockery purposes.) It was agreed that it really wanted to be Twister but failed on all counts.

Tuesday: Road work started at 7:30AM. Moved the car, opened the house for the drywall installers who did taping and mudding all day. I watched the RoadWork show all morning and made book graphics. Then I did a library work shift in the evening and got to provide four kidswith their first library cards, which is the best part of my job, hands down.

Plans to blog that evening were foiled by the cat deciding my laptop was the best bed in the world. He was entirely too cute to roust off.

Wednesday. The Distracting Roadwork Show continued with Actual Paving. They got the main layer of asphalt laid down the whole street, 4 blocks plus intersections, end to end, in one day. It was a seriously fascinating process to watch. The combination of precision and sheer massive scale is boggling.

More taping, mudding, and sanding upstairs. It’s really looking good. Trim & cabinetry millwork are due to arrive next week.

I did a Costco pantry staples run, with consequent Putting Away Of Things which always takes longer than it seems like it should. Puttering in the yard happened. The day wrapped up with a library shift that involved training on new systems. I did the now-traditional falling asleep watching TV with the cat on my lap before relocating to the bed at 3AM. I swear Pips knows when I’m thinking about picking up the laptop to type.

Thursday. A site visit from the Fancify Floor 2 production manager meant that several stressy O:FF2 questions I’ve been pondering for weeks were finally answered (in good ways!) Spouseman got some questions about the Basement resolved as well.

Pips had his annual wellness visit to the vet, charmed everyone at the clinic, and came away with his rabies vaccine and a scrip for flea&tick meds. He’s officially 22.3 pounds of lean, fluffy adorableness — while exploring the eating area on his leash he right onto the dog scale and made sure to stand still for a good reading.

In the Little-Big Victories category, I hired a copywriter to tackle the back cover blurb & retail descriptions for Relics From A Traveling Show, and I convinced the new sump pump to communicate with the home wifi and got it added to the tracking app. Two very tdifferent communications things, but both very important steps forward. Two huge checkmarks off my list of to-do lists.

Friday. Today. Small plans include lunch with another friend, this time to celebrate the closing of their mortgage refinance, which is HUGE ADULTING WIN. The Roadwork show has been quiet all morning, but a truck just went by to spray a stinky petro goo on the asphalt, and I can hear a chorus of beepers a few blocks down, so there might be action later.

I’ll report more when it happens. Have a pretty flower pic for getting this far.


Just when I thought I’d run out of rant…


The week isn’t quite over yet.