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Made it to the weekend

Look at this. Here we are on Friday evening, I did things yesterday and today, AND I am still successfully recording things so maybe I’ll remember them later. (and if I don’t remember, welp, I’ll have a record.)

Yay to all that.

The doctor visits yesterday both went well.

Body doctor assessed the armpit+boob pain with me & believes is chest-wall related (not muscle, cartilage strained or overtaxed) rather than boob-related. (YAY) He didn’t dismiss my concerns about something developing despite recent mammogram, we went through a whole diagnostic routine & he targeted exactly the pain points I’m experiencing, so evidently it’s simply yet-another “surprise, you found a new way to screw up your connective tissue, heat/ice/ibuprofen, find new strengthening exercises for the surrounding muscles, rinse & repeat.”

Eye doctor was also very excellent about looking at the issue as a mystery rather than a complaint — evidently the single-vision glasses that work for me are within 0.5 of the magnification of the new ones that don’t, but there’s something about the focus point and the base curve of the lens that’s off.

It doesn’t help that the nice frames are all wire frames and there’s just too many ways they can get misaligned. The ones I like are plastic with kludged after-market notepads to keep them off my eyelashes.

So. Prescriptions and my focus points were checked, consultation with the opticians occurred. Upshot: it’s gonna be a process. First they’re installing real nose pads on a new pair of plastic frames that fit comfortably. Then I go back in so they can find my focus point on those, then order new lenses.

And if all that works out, then we’ll take a stab at getting me a set of lenses with a reading level prescription for doing close-in work without any eye strain.

The eye doc was mildly surprised I’m able to read fine with these “distance” glasses except for really smol type, but she’s awesome about accepting my experience, which is just damned refreshing. Summation of conversation: basically “eyes and brains are weird, bestwe can do is start with what we know is working and figure out the rest from there, right?”

Not much happened today. Well. Okay, I organized the freezer, went to the bakery, weeded in the yard, played too much Wordscapes, and did some tidying, but that’s it for productive stuff. Mainly it was “visit with relatives & friends” day.

Sister and brother-in-law made time for us as they were passing through town, so they finally got their first visit to our no-longer-new house, and we got to see pictures of their brand new place and admire their new car.

Later after the chores & supper-snacking, there were fireside cocktails at our bungalow-owning friends’ place tonight, so I got in some quality ball-tossing time with Scottie the hound dog, and enjoyed quiet talk about games, houses, food, drink, and the movie Twister, because everyone ends up talking about Twister eventually.

And! Plans are in place to help a friend use up restaurant coupons for free pizza on Sunday, so I probably deserve extra bonus points for scheduling human interaction ahead of time.

Media update: I’m halfway through series 20 of Midsomer Murders, I”ve opened the last Nalini Singh Angels novel, and there’s a rewatch of Twister in my future.

That brings me to the end of today. And I’ll write about tomorrow….tomorrow. Or technically later today. But tomorrow. Tis time for some cat wrangling & then sleep, for in the morning will come another round of stressful basement work with potential for installation complications, civic interference, and other messiness.

Fingers crossed it all goes well.