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Winter Retreat 1

So far, so good. I was concerned about the frigid temps, but the cabins are exceptionally well insulated and the heaters are quietly powerful. When the small space is occupied by heat-radiating humans, all is quite toasty even when it's below 10 degrees F.  Which is has been and will be again tomorrow. Tonight we might get more snow.

Bonus: this cabin is close enough to a cell tower to reach the internet, so I can post pictures! The cabins really are comfy.

The campground, aka Getaway Starved Rock, is on a lovely chunk of land adjacent to the Illinois river, with limestone valley-and-ridge geology, plenty of forested acres, and iots of wildlife. So far we have already seen bald eagles, deer, juncoes, flickers, and all the usual small mammals.

Meanwhile, back at home, Pippin's sleepover buddy/our housesitter got a whole wildlife party. 

Yes, that's a fox on our garage roof in broad daylight, looking exceptionally proud of herself. There was a second fox on the back fence, too. We go away, the foxes come to play.

This particular "Outpost" (as Getaway chooses to call its locations) is close enough to  the nearest town that a grain elevator is visible from our cabin, and a subdivision have crept right up to one property line, but it still feels quite rural and the setup is well designed for peace & quiet.

It's always a bit eerie to be out from under O'Hare & Midway's approach patterns. So easy to forget the sky is QUIET most places in the world.

Anyway, the almost visceral quiet made the inclusion of ear plugs in our cabin supplies a little puzzling. 

Nightfall explained the mystery.  Riverside means river barges, and trains. Not many, but mostly late at night there are occasional deep engine rumbles in the distance, sometimes accompanied by the low wail of  train whistles. 

I've lived much closer to a much busier train system for many years, so I find those noises to be a wonderful Farm Country  Lullaby Soundtrack, but I can understand others not appreciating them as much.

(When we were last here, fall 2022, the grain elevator was in full drying mode the whole time. The sound was so low it was a nearly subliminal soothing white noise Took me ages to figure out what it was.)

This break isn't about accomplishing things, but I have officially registered for Minicon, up in Minneapolis at the end of March, I've finished reading a book and started a new one. And wrote this post.

We went hiking today while the temps were in the balmy 20's, and the sun was out. Tomorrow is plan-free, everything dependent on road conditions & our energy levels. We might go out for a meal & explore a bit, we might stay inside, eat snacks, read books, & doze like sleepy winter bears. Time will tell.

Ta until later.