Winter checklist 4

1. I got out of bed. I'm honestly proud of that. The way I felt when I woke up, I really, really, REALLY wanted to pull up the covers, burrow under the pillows, and hide in bed all day. Instead, I got up and did some things. Slowly. Stiffly. Painfully. In a haze.But I got up. Yay.2. I made more words in Ghost Town. Not as many as I would've liked, but lots more than I expected given how slow my brain and body were moving.3. Got my revision ideas for Sharp Edge all organized & answered some emails.5. Went to a library meeting and didn't feel entirely useless. Mostly, but not entirely.6. Organized a bunch of DVDs (Part of the larger 'putting DVD into binders' project) I'm so comfortable with the breakdown structure of alphabetizing it's now a soothing, meditative activity. Reminded me of the best workdays at Borders.7. Did searches on dyspraxia, ADHD, epoxy resin chemistry, eagles of Asia, and sage propagation. Because internet.8. Reworked yet another page of the brain-bending present-tense short story. Only a few pages left now.9. Did some reading and jotted notes for reviews. I love the idea floating on Twitter right now of doing 30 reviews in a month, but I don't read that fast, and don't have a backlog of already-read-books I want to review.  I keep forgetting to mention it anywhere, but I do post a fair number of reviews. I dunno why putting "I REVIEWED THIS" on social media feels like bragging, but it does. I mean, I say I liked things here on the blog and so forth, but I don't specifically mention that I also said I liked the thing on its selling site.  ANYway. Enough about that.10. And I wrote down my doings here. It's always meta fun to put the list as an item on the list.


Winter Checklist Five


Third Winter checklist