Third Winter checklist

1. Put some pondering time into a tagline for Rough Passages. Current front-runner: "Super-powered grandmothers, elemental Marines, and extraordinary teens."2. Added loads of 2019 commitments to the Master Calendar so I don't forget them.3. Sent in days-off requests for my  recovery days for my confirmed conventions. (Concoction, WisCon, GenCon & Dragon Con)4. Finished a scene in Ghost Town WIP. Yes. I wrote.  How many words? MANY.5. added accountability tasks to my Habitica dashboard for Sharp Edge revisions. because I'll be starting that soon <cue flailing>6. Did NOT take ibuprofen in the middle of the day. First time in a week. That counts as an accomplishment. With any luck I will be able to stop consciously thinking about chewing every time I eat by next Monday.7. Did research on cheap, quiet treadmills. Because I am a dreamer and hope to have both a bit of floor available in the basement and the $$$ to cough up for equipment.8. Reworked another page of the short story. Bending verb tenses makes my brain hurt.9. Decanted some movies from their cases & organized them. A very zen way to spend evening time after my brain turned to mush after work.All that, and a walk, but I also feel like it was NOT ENOUGH. Bah.


Winter checklist 4


2nd winter checklist