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The Done Bucket 1.21 to 1.23.2024

The list is below the picture of a cat in a basket, which I added as a reward for your attention. Usually I blog to Patreon first and post here on a delay, but today? Enh. Today I'm tired and it's late, so things are going up simultaneously.

It isn't all that long or an exciting list, but I'm proud of it nonetheless.

  • Unpacked all the trip luggage and put everything away before collapsing. Because I have learned I either put things away immediately or resign myself to pushing them around the floor for a month, occasionally feeling aggravated &guilty but not motivated enough to do the putting-away part. 
  • Did all the post-trip laundry. ALL of it.  And Spouseman folded it all. 
  • Got the oven fixed! (This is Rather A Big Thing. Called the appliance place. Made the appointment. Put it on the calendar. Even got work done that day despite the appointment being late in the day.  It was weird only having the little oven for 3 weeks. Superweird. Gonna celebrate by baking cookies.
  • TEETH ARE CLEAN AND I HAVE NO NEW DENTAL ISSUES. Another multi-step process completed with none of my usual fumbles. I made the appointment, remembered to confirm the appointment, set an alarm and woke up on time, got there on time, and even remembered to bring my mouthguard. Big win.
  • Made social plans with two separate groups of friends. For the same week. I know, wild, right?
  • Put "call dealership about the check engine light" on my to-do list so I'll be encouraged to actually do it. Eventually.
  • Signed up for extra shifts at the 'brar to cover for a co-worker who had to leave due to illness. After Capricon.
  • Got all my convention prep gear in one place for organizing later.  Soon.
  • Registered for MiniCon (convention at the end of March in Minneapolis) and filled out a hotel reservation form, although I think I might've filled it out wrong. 
  • Set up a time to talk to Minicon hotel roommate about transportation timing.
  • Went to the library book sale and got books! Because everyone needs scholarly texts about air disasters of the 60s through the 90's, right? Also picked up some $1 DVDs for funsies.
  • watched Executive Decision, a pro-USA propaganda action thriller from the mid-90s that just would never happen like that today. Kurt Russell & others. Good-bad movie fun.
  • Did more story collection prepwork. Multiple introductions & some light editing.
  • Brushed the cat. Lots n lots of brushing. So much brushing that Pips doesn't even complain about being brushed until I get to the really bad knots now. Progress!

Aaaaaand, I think that's it for recent accomplishings. More soon!