What's in the Done Bucket (with bonus demonic Pippin pic)

Pippin supervised the initial oven repairs quite closely. Alas, the oven remains defiant and will have to be repaired again Saturday. Hopefully for good, that time.

The first thing I did Thursday after breakfast: achieved unscheduled Covid booster. (I happened to be walking past my doctor's office where my insurance requires I receive vaccines & checked to see if they had any yet. Got the week's last dose!)

Since I predictably get hit by a figurative truckload of side effects 11 to 12 hours after the shot, that accomplishment set off a hyperfocus "light bulb about to die" blaze of energetic accomplishing. So between noon and nine PM

  • Scheduled followup repair work for the stove. By phone.
  • Scheduled my (yeah, overdue) yearly Physical. IN PERSON.
  • Made an appointment to get the "check engine" light on the new car checked out.
  • Achieved lunch with friend before  booster shot kicked in with major aches & minor queasiness.
  • Sent important question email to the Capricon dealer room contact.
  • Sent a different, ignorant (but important) email to a total stranger (q about Minicon Hotel  process) AND replied to the very kind & helpful reply.
  • Completed extra work shift at the 'brar before booster shot totally kicked my ass. (barely)
  • Ate foods before my digestive tract declared, "Sorry, much too busy processing, solid input will be vigorously ejected. Check back in 12 hours." AND kept hydrated and warm throughout the evening despite the 100 degree fever, shakes, swollen tonsils, joint aches, and nausea. Spouseman helped a lot with the care. Can't really call it self-care when he was doing most of the work.
  • Watched San Andreas because Pareamount+ recommended it, like the channel knows I needed a brainless pretty action movie.
  • And now I'll be falling asleep to When Worlds Collide because (again) Paramount+ rec'd it and it's a hoot of "what science was like in 50s movies."

I'm counting the minutes til I can take my next dose of NSAIDs & looking forward to drowsing through the worst of this. Fingers crossed the misery lets up in time to make a scheduled Dim Sum adventure Friday evening. Past performance makes it a 50/50 gamble.

Either way I'm glad I'll be boosted up before this spring's cons even tho I *will* be masking too.

Okay then. Black to the blanket nest.


After-action report: Capricon 44


The Done Bucket 1.21 to 1.23.2024