Technology is a time sink.

Hello, world. I hope you're here to read about my mundane daily author adventures, because that's what I've got for you.Today was not a total bust. I accomplished things. Mainly I spent far too many hours troubleshooting connectivity and monitor issues. Still haven't solved the wifi network problem--upgrading to Catalina has fucked up the IP address in some weird intermittent way--but resetting the NVRAM (PRAM? whatEVER) has solved the on-again off-again monitor problem.I have possible fixes for the other issue, but they involved all kinds of "carefully follow these steps in order" instructions and I have no spoons for that, so...for now the mobile hotspot works fine, and it isn't like I'm using the data for anything else these days.In other news, Landscaping Firm 1 has been contacted for consultation & a quote on Full Yard Redesign, from drainage to new brick patio, walkways & driveway buffers, to reworking the front planting beds & installing plantings in back AND front. These people get high marks from native planting organizations, eco peeps & rain garden folk, so I'm hoping it works out. (technically it's the 2nd firm but the first designer I consulted last September has ghosted us, so...I'm not waiting any longer.)Why am I back to thinking about Big Outdoor Projects so soon? Wasn't I going to put it off a year or two, what with Pandemic, and other big projects, and y'know, wanting to focus on WRITING?Yeah, well. We were going to hold off. But now we aren't. Therein lies a tale.It starts with yesterday's entry in "blessings in disguise" or "bad news/good news."  In the AM Spouseman discovered that the drain valve for our not-new water heater has developed a slow leak. Only a cup or two a day, but enough to erode  little hole in the nice new concrete flooring under the valve. And enough to tell us we needed a consult on whether to repair or replace. So I added it to the "ask the FBC folks for recommendations" list I already had going, with questions about sump pump maintenance and other minor things, and bumped the priority to "call Monday."But that meant Spouseman & I were both on high water alert, which served us well later in the day, when the latest of this week's soggy-day downpours turned to torrential deluge & the runoff couldn't run away from the foundation fast enough. The photo for this post shows the guilty area. Just too much water being directed into one small space.Water came seeping up through the floor of the basement entryway and poured inside onto the cheap area rugs we'd put in that part of the basement. BUT! Since we noticed it nigh-immediately, we sucked it back up with shop vacs before it had been standing long.25-30ish gallons of water suckage later, the floor & area rugs were dry & damp, respectively, and fans+dehumidifiers were running.  Unfun way to spend a couple of evening hours, but far less than a total disaster.But it's certainly a harbinger of disaster, as storms are getting worse every year. So. "Better Drainage + Thirsty Native Plants Everywhere" Yard Redesign moves to the near-top of the to-do list. (Battery back up for the sump and new water heater are THE top.)ANYway. This morning started out with leaving woeful "HALP PLS" messages with the basement people before I dug deep into research on green solutions/drainage specialist landscape contractors.Which turned into a long, long detour through Technology Troubles...But I did get all necessary communicating done, got answers to my questions, and somewhere in there I managed 200+ words of solid progress & some minor revisions on Sharp Edge.And now I've written up the saga here. That's a good place to wrap.Until later!


Sharing Random Thoughts


Spring yard update!