Sharing Random Thoughts

I've slid into a bad blogging habit, which is treating this space as a place for Bigger Ideas. It's not an inherently bad idea, but most of my thoughts aren't Big or Exciting or Happy. They're small, ephemeral, personal ponderings.

Or rants.

The tally of my petty rants--drafted but not posted--is well into double digits. I rant on subjects like "How did I waste this whole day?" or "WTF shut UP about my NAME already!" and no one else needs to read the whininess I simply need to get out of my head.

Back to today's meander. It feels even more petty and unimportant than usual to write about my little life when so many Large Important Events are happening and so many people have Much More Important Things to Say.

And yes, I could leave the blog to languish. The problem with that plan is that if I ignore this virtual space for too long it taps hard on my guilt button. Or rubs at the surface of my attention and leaves blisters. Or gnaws on my mental ankle like a hungry cat. Pick your favorite analogy.

(I'm in an analogy mood today. I love the days when metaphors are easy. And parentheses. It's a parenthetical day too.)

ANYway. I feel bad if I don't regularly use all the different spaces in my house, too, so it's clearly something fundamental in my psychology.

This is my usual long way around to the point, which is that I don't actually HAVE a point today

Attractive topics are not thick on the ground. I don't want to bore anyone with another same-old writing update (progress is being made, but it's glacial & hard to quantify) the house fancification is done, the garden is in an early summer "nothing to see here" phase, I haven't baked anything interesting, and I haven't found the right words for dealing with my feels on the Current World Situation.

Plus every time I check the internet I'm reminded all Karens are awful, which reinforces my already powerful belief that the world neither needs nor wants to hear from me. It also feels physically like someone has just kicked me hard in the gut, so that's fun.

It's a struggle to convince myself to share anything. And by struggle I mean the kind of struggling you do when you're walking forward against hurricane-force winds while people beat on you with sticks.

(This has been a digression into a small sample of the rants I write when I'm crying offline. Sorrynotsorry. We now return to the regular program.)

In summary: I wanted to say, "Hello, world!" via blog because it's been too long since I last posted. And now I have done that. Victory is mine! Check box checked!

I'll try to prevent more large time gaps from developing, even if I only have more Small Thoughts or stray dream snippets.

Until later!


Squirrel gardening: a tale of time lost


Technology is a time sink.