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Sleepy weekend

We had what I call "sleepy weather" Saturday & Sunday. Cool temps, moderate humidity, and skies shifting between flat gray gloom and soft, steady rain. The sun kept fighting through for occasional breaks, and we did get some good Big Drama clouds, too.

Great days for weather watching and getting in good long walks. Decent weather for playing in the garden & admiring all the lush summer growing things. Excellent weather for opening the windows to let in fresh, unconditioned air after a straight month of smothering heat. Really awful sleeping weather if you have joint issues, however. (HI, THAT'S ME)

Just painful joint weather in general, to be fair.

So I took it easy on myself, for once. Read books, watched movies, and took advantage of the cool temps to get some baking done, too. It was excellent weather for kitchen work. I made brownies, shortbread, and "not exactly biscuits" scones, also whipped up a batch of refrigerator pickles, and prepped the season's first big bunch of tomatoes & hot peppers for the freezer.

Pippin was ever so helpful about encouraging naps. And Spouseman went on a walk with me to get boba tea from a new local restaurant. Boba makes everything better.

Sleepy weekend books read:

Royal Tea Service by Casey Blair (the last of the Tea Princess Chronicles,) Wildwood Whispers, by Willa Reece, and Into the Night by S. L. Lawson. All very different from one another, but all enjoyable. (The first one was MUCH more polished than the last 2, but I knew that going in & adjusted my expectations accordingly.)

And I've just started an absolutely delightful gaslamp fantasy called Death By Silver by Melissa Scott, which is a mystery with Holmesian vibes starring a pair of gentleman lovers who have an awkward ex-lovers-friends relationship complicating everything.

Sleepy weekend Television & Movies:

Geostorm & Guardians of the Galaxy 3, which were both bad but enjoyable; John Wick 4, which was a 2.5 hour-long action sequence with breathtaking cinematography, phenomenal character acting, and hideous violence; and a strange British TV series called Miracle Workers that I can't classify even after watching 12 half-hour episodes. The first season was a sorta meta comedy about angels answering prayers, the second...all the same actors are playing different characters in fantasy/medieval village plotline, with no explanation for what connection, if any, there is to the first season.

I was watching Miracle Workers in the middle of the night, I might've missed something. Or it's made of quirky strangeness. Either way, I was amused, so it served its purpose.

Here are photos of various weekend highlights:

That's all for now, except the usual "My latest book" reminder. And a pic of sleepy weekend Pippin.
