Long week already

It feels like it's been a long week, but it's only Wednesday.

On the plus side, I've done good writing things, progress is happening on the audiobook front, and I've scheduled actual socializing for next week. And both my shoulder and hip aren't bothering me nearly as much.

On the not-so-plus side, the hip and shoulder are far from not bothering me. The weather is downright weird and achy, too. And the amount of writing-adjacent work I need to get done keeps piling up.

Dragon Con happens soon. Three weeks. I need new business cards. Books need organizing. Packing lists need to be made. Trip food shopping to be done. New graphics to design, new promo materials to order. SO MUCH.

I think I'm going to feel unsettled until I know where we'll be sleeping & where the car will be stowed. The hotel & parking situation won't be/can't be settled for at least another week.

BLAH. On the up-up side, Pippin is getting a lot of attention and seems to have rediscovered how to purr. That'll probably be the highlight of the week no matter what else happens.

Anyway. After last night's up-too-late-again bingewatch, I'm all caught up on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds/ I gotta say, the musical episode with Klingons doing K-Pop was something. Good? Bad? I dunno. But definitely something. Season finale tomorrow night.

Maybe it won't feel like such a long week once I get to Friday & am visiting with friends. Fingers crossed.

More good things:


Fun Bad Movie Night


Sleepy weekend