Inside my head, bleak events looming

First, the bleak. In this holiday season, this time of lights, celebrations, and laughter, darker things are closing in--real things not story things-- hard, sad family things which are not mine to share in detail.TL;DR edition: There is nothing good or easy about death's slow approach. It sucks harder when it's happening long-distance but not so distant travel would physically impossible or financially crippling. It sucks worst because death watches are not right for everyone, but some people think everyone should be there. (Apologies, that TL;DR was a little TL itself.)The longer rant: Being present for a loved one's last days  or moments is NOT necessarily the right thing. For many it is a crucial solace and a way to offer and receive support in grief. But it IS NOT RIGHT FOR EVERYONE, and there's a cruel side to the accepted wisdom that it is. There is no special magic to "being there." Pushing someone to drop everything to go to the bedside of a dying relative is a huge mistake.Everyone's relationship is unique. Not everyone needs to see a sib or parent or aunt or cousin or grandparent right up to the end of their life. Not in this modern age which often includes a long, blurred twilight of medical intervention. Not if the experience is going to color every memory and deliver deep, bloody damage to fragile hard-won, precariously-balanced mental health.And that's all I'm going to say about it now.  I am stressed and distracted and feeling very much the fierce-protector-beast at the moment.The rest of the things:

  •  Reading: I have snagged up a TON of new SFF titles for my kindle through holiday sales & giveaways. But I'm reading the fluffiest of fluffy romances because I need hapily-ever-afters very much right now.
  • Viewing: I watched all the Lord of the Rings extended editions last week,  then checked out the Hobbit trilogy from the library, and then proceeded through the Lord Of the Rings again afterwards. On blu-ray. For those interested, yes, there is are noticeable differences in picture quality  & sound quality both.Christmas hibernation viewing has now proceeded to a from-the-beginning review of Game of Thrones, because Santa & Spouseman picked up the 7th season and we want to catch up. I am skipping all the scenes with Theon after he gets captured by the Boltons.
  • A new category: Submissions:  I have a short story I'm sending out to real, actual magazines. One rejection down, many more to come, I'm sure.  I'm waiting until after the New Year to send it out again, though.

And here's the latest in searches:

  • Game of Thrones Wiki (lots of character searches, because I'm not up to bonding with characters who are going to die horribly.
  • Balsam Hill Christmas Trees (they had a sale. I HAD TO HAVE ONE It's beautiful.)

Random cat pic: Scooter in his new Scooter Hut:IMG_5202No no-context WIP snippet this time. I'm not getting a lot of writing done. The house is cleanish, Spouseman & I have clean clothes, there is fresh food & drink to be had, and I am stress-baking like wildfire. These are victories enough for me. I refuse to judge myself too harshly for not creating more.And that's all the all there is for now.


Hi, there.


Solstice Dance: a midwinter tale