Hi, there.

Big, big gratitude to the good friends & other new readers who picked up my books recently and were kind enough to tell me about it. You've brought some highlights into a week of major emotional lows. Knowing you've read Rough Passages--and my other books--brings me a special kind of happiness.

Thank you for your support and excitement about my stories. It means the world to me.


If you ever feel moved to take a shelfie and send it my way, I promise to keep it and cherish it and comb its fur and call it George...or something like that. I would certainly share the picture on social media as proudly as any gleeful new parent shares baby pics. (but only with your permission, of course.)

What? What's a shelfie?

It's a picture of my books in your setting. In your hands, on a shelf or table, posed with a cute stuffed animal or family pet...wherever. So MANY possibilities. If you're camera-shy like me, any old pic of my books living with the rest of your collection is lovely. (Plus that usually give me ideas for things to put on my TBR list.) Ebooks? Cover on kindle screen works. Or any page on screen. I'm easygoing about it.

In fact, if you don't have my books, you can still make someone's day/week/month/year. Take a shelfie of whatever you've read recently and liked, share it in a post or a tweet and mention that you liked it when you tag the author by name.

It creates instant joy, I swear.


Thank you all again. Happy reading.


Writing hard, cookies easy


Inside my head, bleak events looming