My Dragon Con 2017 schedule

This year I have returned to the amazing Armory, AND I am also attending as a professional.  Big doings!I will have books to sell & sign at the Bard's Tower booth & anywhere else you can find me, plus I am on a panel on Saturday that should be a great discussion of matters near & dear to my heart. (see below for details.)Want to meet me in Atlanta this weekend? (OF COURSE YOU DO!) Here are the details of where I'll be when:PANEL: Exploring Relationships in YA

  • Time/Place Sat 9/2 1-2 PM Marriott A707

BARD’S TOWER: Booth #817 That's on floor 3 in the Exhibitor Area at the America's Mart.

  • Friday 1-4
  • Saturday 10-noon & back in the evening
  • Sunday 3-6
  • Monday: 1-close.
  • plus anytime I am not doing something else...

THE ARMORY@DRAGONCON. In the base-base-basement of the Hyatt.

  • Fri, Sat, Sun: 6-8 PM and as needed to fill in.
  • I’ll be there Monday morning for tear-down too, so if that’s the only time you’re free, please come by & say hello.

AUTOGRAPHING/Hanging out with books: Sun 9/3 10-11 AM Marriott International 4-5And if you've come this far but don't know where or what Dragon Con is, I recommend visiting for a website jam-packed with amazing things.I'll post pics of the Armory & Bard's Tower later. Here's another look at my bright shiny badge. I'm am ridiculously chuffed about it.IMG_3214   

Not tired of my words yet? My published works are available on Amazon and all the other usual online retailers. Science-fiction thrillers, science-fiction romance, and science fantasy, full length novels and shorter works. So many choices! 


Londinium Cover Reveal!


Chugging along towards Dragon Con 2017