Chugging along towards Dragon Con 2017

DRAGON CON! Atlanta. Labor Day weekend.

I'll be there. SO EXCITING. Shoutycaps exciting, even. Two weeks away.

Also intimidating. Crowds make me frantic unless I'm standing in front of them. Put me on a stage or in front of a microphone with a purpose, and I'm a happy clam, but leave me in the middle of a big party, and it's cat-in-the-bathtub time. Cons are multiple-day parties. So...I'll keep myself busy.The important things:

  • I'll be splitting my time between the Armory (down-down-downstairs in the Hyatt, as close to a quiet zone as an event with 60k people can have) & the Bard's Tower booth in the vendor building.
  • Yes, I will have books to sell @ Bard's Tower. Come and buy some. They're grrrrr-EAT!
  • I'm on a panel Saturday -- details once the official schedule goes live.
  •  I will have autographing time (STOP LAUGHING) scheduled on Sunday. I'll read to anyone who shows up to that.

Why did I do that last one? I DON'T KNOW. It seemed like a good idea at the time? "Why the hell not?" probably climbed into the engineer's seat on that train of thought. Or something.Spouseman will not be accompanying me.  Health & endurance are steadily improving But a week away from home+hates airline travel+HATES huge crowds?  He is not up for that much of a challenge. Yet. Maybe next year. And maybe a smaller venue first, to ease back into the swing of con-going. Maybe.*deep breath* List time again. Lists are soothing.

  • Biz cards are ready.
  • Bookmarks & postcards ready.
  • Flight is booked. Got a decent deal, even. Woo!
  • Hotel room set...I think. Should check on that, maybe. One way or another I'll have a crash space.
  • packing list in progress.
  • Hair cut accomplished. Hair coloring is holding up.

Brain is revving up near redline and the con is still two weeks away.Argh. I can do this. I want to do this, I will do this.If you are coming to Dragon Con and reading this, I hope to see you there!

 Not tired of my words yet? My published works are available on Amazon and all the other usual online retailers.Science-fiction thrillers, science-fiction romance, and science fantasy, full length novels and shorter works. So many choices! 


My Dragon Con 2017 schedule


Disability Awareness at Gen Con (updated for 2017!)