Quiet Happy Weekend

What did I do over the weekend? Not. Much. SO MUCH NOTMUCHNESS.

It was so glorious I can’t even feel bad about how good it felt. That’s nearly a miracle, given how hard it is for me to beat back the Societal Productivity Conditioning.

I confess I did do some basic Life Maintenance things: watered plants in the garden on the day the weather didn’t do it for me, took walks, chased the baby rabbits around in hopes of convincing them to find a new home away from my seedlings, took walks, and…hm.

But that’s about it for semi-productive stuff.

I also played a LOT of Contexto, which I adore as a fun and easy game but other people evidently hate and find baffling? (Spouseman says he thinks it sounds like the opposite of fun. Which is saying something, since he swears he loves video games that make him so furious he yells at the TV.)

Also watched another two seasons of Midsomer Murders, which if you’re not familiar with that, is cozy British fantasy pretending to be a British police procedural series.

My favorite part of the series is the way the main character’s marriage is a regular element but never a Point Of Conflict. It’s a loving relationship between equals who each accept the strengths AND weaknesses the other brings. Popular tropes, like the husband getting pulled away from big events, and the wife being a bad cook are handled gently but a lot more realistically than most shows manage to do

My second favorite part of the series is its devotion to convoluted and utterly unrealistic murder mystery plot lines. It makes no attempt to pretend it’s showing how real police work, or even how real conflicts work. There aren’t any elves or dragons, and only one or two spooky episodes with supernatural-maybe elements, but it’s fantasy all the same.

I like it for all the same reasons I loved Knives Out — and there are 22+ seasons of Midsomer, versus 2 Knives Out movies.

Anyway. Peace was soaked up, rest was had, and then yesterday I used up all that energy getting Maximum Grocery Shopping done.

I am trying not to be That Old Lady who complains about how things cost less when I was younger, but Holy Sneaky Shrinkflation, batfriends, grocery shopping makes that difficult. The number of items that have doubled in price in two years is just fucking absurd. (The excuses people make for it, like “the government overheated the economy” are even more absurd, but that’s a different post.)

All I’m gonna say is the 9 oz bag of chips currently being sold as a “full size” bag at a full size price used to be the grab-and-go side item price/size not that very long ago.

And now I’mma change my subject before I digress into total grumpiness. We are restocked on fresh foods and pantry foods and a bunch of basic household shit that we buy once a year or less, and that;’s a happy thing.

It’s shaping up to be another busy week. The upstairs is marked up for the page-long list of carpentry changes/repairs, the drywall installer, carpet vendor &, trim carpenter have all taken their measurements, the HVAC folks are due ANY TIME NOW to move a couple of ducts & hopefully install dampers so the back of the house gets more airflow instead of into the bathroom (WTAF THAT BATHROOM OY)

Work on the basement continues ( I CANNOT WAIT TO HAVE ONE FLOOR DONE< WOO) and nsulation is scheduled to go in Friday, this time with baffles to keep the soffit inflow vents open from now on. Y’know. The way it was SUPPOSED to be done before, but wasn’t.

So, overall progress feels slow but it’s going faster than it feels.

That’s enough for now. Until later!

Postscript area: Does anyone scroll down this far? Enquiring minds would love to know. Have a garden comparison for your reward. May 2021 to June 2024.


Midsummer doldrums.


Another Day, Another discovery