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Hey, it’s me again

Look at me, blogging three solid days in a row.

Cue the ecologically-safe virtual balloon drop and the internet glitter.

Sure, sure, three days is hardly much from any objective viewpoint. After all, the Accepted Professional Wisdom is “write every day.” I can easily picture Real Writing Professionals (tm) rolling their eyes behind my back and sniggering into their drinks.

It’s also possible all the Bridgerton viewing I’ve done has colored my mental imagery. Is my sense of accomplishment disproportionately large? Maybe?

But what’s an ordinary life for other people is an extreme sport for me. Maybe my victory laps make me look boastful & conceited to some people, but honestly? Phooey to them.

I am navigating a complex challenge course full of obstacles and opportunities for physical injury every day I wake up, and I am rightfully proud of everything I get done in my waking hours.

But. I. Digress. (now you know I am not an alien replacement clone)

The real exciting news—for certain values of exciting—is that I did things again yesterday!

Mainly research on expanding the rain gardens back & front, which was fun hyper focus time, but also (brace yourselves) I MADE PHONE CALLS.

(Again with the disproportionate sense of accomplishment, right?)

Anyway. Even more shocking, two calls were about deferred medical issues I’ve been postposing for weeks to months.

First I made an appointment for the annoying ache under my right armpit that’s getting worse rather than better & is just close enough to my boob to warrant getting reassurance from a doctor that it isn’t actually boob-related.

Second, a call to the optometrist to deal with the TWO new pairs of expensive new glasses that Just Don’t Work. (To be fair, the previous prescription wasn’t working either.) One set of progressives, and a pair of single-vision lenses that were supposed to be for driving.

Progressives clearly just don’t work for me any more. The variance between distance & close-up eye needs has diverged too much. Keeping my eye aligned with any given tiny focus point requires constant micro-movement of the head and neck. That’s a recipe for some blinding tension headaches, lemme tell ya.

And the new single vision lenses are okay for close-work, but I can’t even see a stop sign from mid-block, much less highway signs. So, they’re useless for their intended use and not appreciably better than what I’m wearing for reading.

I’m currently using a pair of single-vision “readers” from 2 eye doctor visits ago that offer excellent medium to medium-far vision, so I can drive fine, work on a computer fine, and read okay if I bump up text size. But ffs, I want to use the pretty, new frames that cost a shit ton of money.

…back in April.

Yeah, it’s taken me 12 weeks to work up the nerve and the energy to deal with that situation. Such is my life. But I’m at last on my way to getting new lenses that actually work, and that’s a big step.

Other things: supper last night was tasty vegetarian pasta bake out of the freezer accompanied by the cabbage slaw I made Tuesday, plus fresh blueberries for dessert. And I only have four more seasons of Midsomer Murders left.

So today will be all about getting to appointments on time & then recovering from same. I might do some stress baking. More updates soon. The drywall is nearly installed, it looks great upstairs and that makes me happy. On the other hand, I’m feeling increasingly torqued & terrified over the political news again.

We’ll see what I feel like writing about later.