Stay tuned for adventure tales.
I'm home from my adventure, so I can talk about it now.
I went to Seatttle and then Alaska, longest true vacation since pandemic, and it was amazing.
There were whales. So. Many. Whales. (Also lots of wet and stormy-ness, which I expected, so I was not disappointed.)
It was a cruise, and I'd hoped to do book things between ports, but I failed to factor in the distraction trifecta of sensory stress, no laptop internet, and traveling with friends who like to organize & set up Group Togetherness Times.
Would do a cruise like it again in a heartbeat, but would go into it knowing I need to better stand my ground against the relentless socializing. It’s hard to resist the social pressure of get-together time even when I know it isn’t meant as pressure.
Spouseman and I are safely home, we’ve had a night’s sleep in our own bed, the bags are unpacked, the travel laundry is done, and Pippin is getting plenty of petting and extra treats.
Tomorrow I’ll back to regular life and post lots of pics soon.
End of post cat pic!
Pippin loves the catsitter, but he was super glad to see us again.
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Make room in your life for some of my fabulous science fiction & fantasy books. Two series to choose from!
The Rollover Files is an ongoing series of hopepunk tales about an alternate world where moms with midlife-crisis superpowers keep saving the world whether it appreciates them or not.
You’ll want to pick The Stories Of The Restoration if you’d prefer a completed, complicated quirky slow-burn science fiction series with a romance chaser.
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