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Hello again, world

There were plans to write up a “what I did today” post last night after work, but I unsurprisingly fell asleep on the couch while watching TV instead.

Halfway through series 19 of Midsomer Murders.

I didn’t even eat dessert before I crashed, which, given my sweet tooth, really showcases the Bigness of the Tired.

So here’s the belated list from yesterday:

  • checked on my Fediverse poll & wrote yesterday’s blog post

  • boiled corn on the cob, because it keeps a week once it’s cooked.

  • made cucumber salad

  • made vinegar cabbage slaw

  • washed all the dishes I dirtied. I was supposed to leave them for Spouseman, but it grated against my “never put it down, always put it away” compensation

  • watched entirely too many Rich & Rox ADHD_Love video shorts,, altho I regret nothing.

  • pestered Spouseman while he met with the sump consultant & located the checkbook when asked.

  • did an hour of online training at the library

  • played with the cat. Very important, that one.

That’s a fine list, isn’t it?

Today’s plans are even more modest. I wanted to get this update written so I revive the habit of daily structured writing. Checkmark achieved!

I have also already created folders for my Apple Music playlists and deleted a bunch of old things. Was that on the original to-do? HAHAHAHAHA no, but it obviously needed doing, or it wouldn’t have distracted me.

And I did yet more tech troubleshooting, this time with my headphones, which keep hanging up on phone calls without help from me. I think I’ve disabled the problematic setting. With luck, it’ll be weeks before I have to deal with a phone call to find out.

I’ll let you know how the rest of the day goes later. Or maybe tomorrow, depending on whether I fall asleep with my supper sitting in front of me again tonight.

Spouseman took lots of Pippin pics yesterday. Here’s one to wrap things up with a smile.