Another Catch-up post

This was originally going up Sunday, but there was Power Outage and Internet Outage, and other generally uncooperative technology that took so long to resolve that I ran out of time & energy. And Monday there was Much Brain Stuckness plus tornado warnings & Moar Distracting Thunderstorming plus computer syncing issues, and in between, I just didn't have any words in me.

But. Today is a new day. Here I am, doing a catchup post. My most common kind, right? I also need to do catch-up kitchening, since I bought things at the farmer's market. Corn won't shuck & boil itself, cucumbers and cabbage won't make slice & marinate themselves, and fresh produce does come with a time limit

Stinginess as motivation. Whatever works, right?

I apologize for a remarkable lack of Pippin pictures from last week. I don't know how Spouseman and I both failed to take any decent photos--Pips was his usual, adorable, totes photogenic self. We simply somehow failed to document it, is all.

So you get garden pics instead. Down at the bottom. Three shots of the view from my back-of-yard shade seat, and the happy batch of zinnias by my raised veggie/herb beds.

The plants are loving the heat and the "5 inches over average so far" amount of rain we've been getting this summer. I would be fine with it if it wasn't for having a new sump pump to babysit --with all the attendant headaches, Unforeseen Complications, and kinks to work out with that New Technology.

Bu4e enough of the negative vibes. Onward to good things.

Housewise, last week there were Adventures in Insulation, in which Pips, Spouseman and I all took a day trip to visit a friend while Experts In Tyvek suits & full respirators spray-foamed the bejeebers out of the underside of our roof.

We were home for the second day of installation, wherein The Experts sprayed loose-fill insulation into all the hard-to-reach attic nooks & crannies and put up insulation batting between the living areas and remaining under-roof spaces.

The result: a second floor that no longer heats up like an oven the instant summer sunshine hits it in the AM. It has successfully fended off 90+ degree outdoor temps well into the afternoon. (as opposed to being 5-7 degrees above ambient despite AC by midmorning.) VERY EXCITING.

The wall installers, Omar, Baku and crew, have hauled 3 truckloads of sheetrock up our tight, narrow stairwell, the house passed its next round of inspections, and the walls are going up! It's a slow process, but it's happening.

 Pretty thrilling to realize that in 7 more weeks it should be mostly all done.

In writing news (oh, yeah, writing! That thing I really do work on between Life Shitstorms) I have finally finished first-proofing-pass on Relics From A Traveling Show, and made more steps towards writing up a summer newsletter.

This week my hope is to finalize trim size and font specs for the interior so I can give my cover artist final measurements. I also have some really bad rough drafts for the back cover copy/item description, so that's at least started.

Writing cover copy is not a strength of mine. If any of you know someone who does it for hire, I would be willing to throw money a them. No lie.

ANYhow. That's enough for one update.

Until later

Garden Pics, just because.


Hello again, world


Is it a rant? Maybe. Yes. Yes, it is.