Writer Working Report 2/4/21

One. I have been invited to be the featured reader at the Oak Park Public Library's No Shush Salon this month. Feb 25, 6:30-9:00 CST. It's a FREE event held safely via Zoom. I ill present exciting snippets from The Sharp Edge of Yesterday and other writings, and there is an open mic too. Online registration is required but free. Link? Of course link! https://oppl.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=51023

Two. Sharp Edge is on target for March 23 release. It's getting a final copy/proofing pass, and then pre-orders will go live. This will be my first pre-publication release with Ingramspark, so I'm not sure how pre-orders will work outside the Piranha Platform, but hey, LEARNING EXPERIENCE! I polished and trimmed and tightened up this tale, but it's still a big, juicy novel about life, death, superpowers, perseverance, and the power of friendship. (I would say the power of love, but it is NOT a kissing book and people get the wrong idea.) But I digress.

Three. I can make Advance Proof ebook copies of Sharp Edge available to interested bloggers, reviewers, book buyers....really, to anyone interested in a sneak peek & maybe posting a release day review somewhere. There's a way to contact me right here on the site: Contact Form

Four. I will have new character art to show off VERY SOON NOW. Also BOOKPLATES. I am super excited about this. It means you can order Sharp Edge paperbacks from your favorite retailer and still get them personalized by me even though we're in pandemic times because I CAN MAIL BOOKPLATES ON REQUEST. The design will have a phoenix on it because the phoenix is my personal emblem and also the series logo for the Rough Passages series. I can't wait to show it off.

Five. I haven't stopped writing just because I finished one book. I'm making solid progress on Ghost Town, which is the working title of a book I'm working on with a partner author. Brand-new police chief of a small Illinois river town solving mysteries with the help of her great-great-great grandpa, who was mayor there in the 1800's. I love the main character of this story, and my biggest lesson with this book is that I need to write moreprotagonists who have pets because writing animals is SUPER-FUN.

Six/Last. May I ask a favor of those who've read this far who also make purchases from Piranha aka Amazon? Could you take a peek at the existing positive reviews for Flight Plan and cast a "this is helpful" vote on any one that DOESN'T begin with the words, "I was very disappointed...?" I ask this because the current Top Review for Flight Plan begins with those words, so it's sending a really bad message to prospective readers despite it being a 4-star happy take. Easy clicks on other positive reviews would be a huge help.

Huh. Look at all those cheerful things. No rant today, I guess. Maybe a rant next time. (There's always a next time.)

Anyway, that's all for now until later, kthxbai.

cute tortie kitten hiding under an overturned hardcover book on a white tabletop.
Cat with a book. BECAUSE WHY NOT?
Image by Алексей Боярских from Pixabay


Accomplished: first convention of 2021!


This isn't over. Not yet. Maybe never.