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Winter Checklist 7

Lessee, what did I do today? I'm sure I must've done something to get to 14,129 steps and 67 active minutes.1.  GOT UP EARLY. My doctor's appointment was at 07:30. Getting there counts as an accomplishment. I know many people are at work before that hour of the AM every day, but I am not one of them. So I drank lot of extra Scottish Breakfast tea, and took advantage of being out & about during hours I would be sleeping to get a lot of errands run.2.  What kind of errands? I bought all the things in the world. (Not really, but it felt like that and filled up my wee tiny car.)  At one point I sent Spouseman a text  saying, "At Target, waiting for Costco to open so I can do the pantry-foods restock. Not impulse-shopping tho."HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Big lie. Is it possible to visit Target without impulse shopping? Not for me. No guilt though,  since I only impulse-shop sale items that are either shelf-stable consumables or already on a needs list. Still, I had to smile when the cashier went all poker-faced looking at my cart. A snow shovel, a Christmas sweater with a llama on it, drain cleaner, a box of Frosted Mini-Wheats, a pack of metallic Sharpies, Tostitos, cat treats, and a leather belt. Among other things.(I am not listing all the errands I ran or things bought because oy. It was just groceries and etc, but...So. Much Etc.)3.  Getting stuff is only half the battle. By the time I got home and carried All The Things in, unboxed & put everything away, cleaned up the debris, and finished all re-organization that goes along with seasonal Big Purchases Day, I was exhausted & hungry.4.   So I made myself a festive, celebratory lunch of New Snack Foods & Fresh Fruits.4.5 And a fresh pot of tea. See: point #1.5. Performed some overdue authoring maintenance and posted "I sell books" reminders to social media. And thing happened that's never happened before: it resulted in a sale.  (I mean, I'm sure sales sometimes happen as a result, but immediately?  For the title I promoted? That's unprecedented. And a happy thing.)5. I also did make an itsy-bitsy bit of progress in Ghost Town between lunch and library time. And based on past performance, I'll finish the short-story verbing project tonight before bed.6. Oh, by the way, if anyone is wondering why I waste time blogging instead of getting more writing done, welllllll. It's simple. I can blog while dead tired & distracted by other activities, so it's easy to dash these off in the half-hour or so while supper is cooking.  Writing while supper is cooking is a Bad Idea. That way lies ruined food and charred pots at best. Creative immersion is...not compatible with worldly attention. So that's a thing I don't do.Stay tuned for more exciting adventures later this week.(I meant to be a hermit all month long, but life has decided otherwise. Good times.)