Weekend Update

Biscotti baking experiment was a success. (I've made biscotti dozens of times. Wearing gloves was the experimental part.) They were even better for working the super-sticky dough than I'd hoped. All my recipes that read "wet hands and keep hands wet while handling dough" should be updated to read "wear nitrile gloves." Should. But won't be, because I'm lazy.

Pic of biscotti in progress:

I got issued someone else's dream Saturday night. I was at a banquet, seated at a table with only one other person -- all the tables were small and widely spaced out, so I guess social distancing exists even in my subconscious--and there was a ribbon at my place setting, the kind that goes with an awards medal. My dinner companion was some guy whose children's charity had Changed The World and when I was wondering about the medal ribbon, it turns out I was there because I'd won some award for making a video that made his charity super well known althrough I'd just made it for fun and hadn't known what I was hyping. (Which is how I know it had to be someone else's dream because WTAF?) Anyway, he told me about his organization, which I thought was awesome although I recall zip about it now, and we watched awards be given out by famous presenters like the Obamas and Captain Picard (Not Patrick Stewart, Jean-Luc) while people at neighboring tables were making fun of the liberals and aliens and I was wondering why they were even there if they didn't like the awards, and then I woke up.


Studio GhibliFest continued with Castle In the Sky & Nausicaa Of the Valley Of the Wind. I'd seen Nausicaa, but Paul had never seen either one. They were both wonderful and thought-provoking, and the musical scores were nostalgic trips down Electronica Lane. I was by the fox-squirrels and finally connected that long-ago viewing of Nausicaa to my unexplained love for Pokemon Eevees.\


Saturday's plans were disrupted by an impulsive drive up to the north shoe for bagels & corned beef and a good long garden walk before the ice came raining down. Lots o' house-fussing followed. Winterdark decorations came down, and the living room couch sections were reconfigured (they are basically big, squishy, grownup Lego blocks.) Closets were cleaned, books went onto shelves, and rugs were moved around. All the changes delighted our Feline House Supervisor, who personally inspected and approved all new furniture arrangements.

FIFTH (my rant for the hour)
I am watching and enjoying one of my bad fictional crime shows (NCIS, in this case) tonight, but I am reminded how much I hate the "innocent people don't run" trope. IT IS A DANGEROUS LIE AND I LOATHE IT. Grr. Innocent people run for a million innocent reasons.

I'm getting a kick out of NCIS's increasingly progressive scriptwriting in general, and the plot spins up right by the end, but annoyingly, they double down on the "shouldn't have run" thread before it's over. UGH. That trope. Just Won't DIE. Double Ugh.

I didn't write yesterday or today, which means I am now 2 days behind and pushing up against a deadline, but I did do a lot of THINKING about writing, so I made progress just not on the page. IT's been a long time since I was able to concentrate like that, so it feels good. Tomorrow is a wretchedly extra-busy day with long-delayed routine medical stuff (OH. JOY. Doctor visit during Plague Times) and extra library work, but

And I do not regret the non-writing adventures. They were wonderful recharging, restful, & energizing.

Okeedokee, that's all for now. Until later!


Wrestling with Resting


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