Save the Date for Savings

July 25-27

Controlled DescentWeaving Ends ebook Cover 

Weaving In the EndsKindle Countdown starting at 99cControlled Descent (Restoration Adventures #1)FREE on Kindle

 Calendar achievements deserve celebration.  That's why I'm running a Kindle Countdownshameless self promotion NEXT MONTH for Weaving In The Ends when it hits its publication month-iversary.  To make sure all is crystal: the sale is in JULY. There are two months, both spelled with four letters starting with J. Ample room for confusion.Here in my space I can confess I have mixed feelings about this sale. I love the Countdown Deal, but I hate having no way to advertise it. Good online ebook promotion sites ask for 5 positive reviews, and many want 10+.  Weaving In The Ends has none. Zero. Zip.Basically I'm throwing a savings party without any way to deliver invitations. It's my own fault, and I don't exactly regret it.  Weaving In The Ends is a combined edition of two titles published last year. Most interested reviewers have already offered their opinions on each separate story.So I feel kinda stuck. "Anybody wanna write another review as a favor?" sounds as lame as "Hey, want a sharp stick in the eye?" but I would love to be able to promote the sale with more than just my personal, limited reach.I guess I lose nothing by asking, right?Hey, anybody want a sharp stick in the eye? if you've read Turning The Work, Joining In the Round (or both)  I would be delighted to see your opinions planted into an Amazon review for Weaving In The Ends. You do NOT have to buy the new book to review it. Just follow this link-- Weaving In The Ends --and select "write a customer review."   Much gratitude in advance to anyone who ponders the possibility for more than a few seconds. No expectations. I'm just scratching that nagging sensation that saying nothing would be paving a road to disappointment with passive aggression.If you're looking for some other way to earn this author's undying gratitude, keep an eye out for the FB & Twitter posts I'll have lined up when the Big Days arrive. If those are the only platforms I have, shares & retweets will be my only way to spread the word.Okay, that's enough wheedling for a while. As always, thank you for reading.

PS:I'm offering Controlled Descent free at the same time because that title is always free to read by anyone with access to the Self-E module from Biblioboard. Why not offer copies to those who aren't so lucky? And what better time than when another book is on sale? That's my story and I'm sticking to it.PPS: edited for clarity on dates. 6/26 11:30 AM CDT 


Excitements & Excursions


F**k your writing. Or…(an essay regarding the use of expletives and profane language in fictional writings)