Today's Work View

3 finches were sitting on the power line YELLING at me until I provided them with new food & fresh water. (the feeder is behind the Large Shrubbery in the background, the bird bath is behind the tall red flowers on the right.) Now the neighborhood Big Daddy cardinal is declaring his sovereignty over all & sundry. Good times, here at Herkes House.

foreground: a white mug sitting on a wooden railing in sunshine. Background, a green lawn and an exuberant garden bed with shrubs,and flowers in reds, yellows, purples and white, all under a clear blue sky.

To complete the scene-setting: not a cloud in the sky, temps in the high 70's, nice cool breeze carrying the scents of the peppermint & dry grass, bees humming all over the clover & creeping thyme, butterflies in the Joe Pye weed flowers, plus entertaining background audio from the landscaping crew across the street installing...something.

It's about the nicest work environment imaginable. Which is no doubt why I want to take a nap more than anything else.

It isn't all happy fun living. As of last night, I can now add "sprained my wrist getting up from the couch" to the list of absurd ways I can injure myself. The shoulder I subluxed last month is still being problematic. I'm threatening it with a doctor visit after Labor Day to see if that cows it into behaving.

But in the grander scheme of things, life isn't so bad. As long as the weather holds, I'm gonna sit out here as often as possible, drink tea, do some writing, and count my blessings.

And here's the usual end of post stuff:


Last week, a scattershot summary.


Fun Bad Movie Night