Today in random ranty observations

1. Overheard: "That isn't an isolation bubble. That is foam. Foam is full of holes." Evocative. Except for the part where it's true for most people and thus an underestimated source of risk.

2. There is a difference between rationalizing denial and accepting mitigated risks. I'm having a hard time articulating that difference, but I'm certain it exists.

3. OMFG enough of accusing people who get covid of "letting down their guard." Stop with the judgy moral superiority nonsense. JUST STOP. Look. Precautions are not magic. Exposure happens. All of us will eventually face down this virus armed only with our immune systems. It's inevitable. No one likes to think about that, but it's been true since the moment this virus escaped Wuhan. You can be careful and cautious and still catch Covid. Illness isn't a mark of moral deficiency or personal failure. It can't be overcome by having a pure heart or warded off by Doing All The Right Things. Sitting up on a high horse and sneering at the sick is pride headed for a fall.

4. BUT WAIT. I'm equally annoyed with the other type of magical thinking, the kind that makes people think they somehow earn a free pass from environmental dangers as a reward for good behavior. I'm really tired of actively risky behavior being excused because people are "tired of taking precautions."

FFS, does no one ever engage in analysis by analogy anymore? Every winter I get hella tired of putting on a heavy fucking coat and other extra layers of outer protection to keep from freezing. But I rarely say, "I am so tired of wearing a coat, I'll go without." Rarely, but not never. I weigh the risk of freezing against the potential for frostbite or death and act accordingly. Short trip to the trashcan when the temp's in the teens? I might run barefoot w/o a jacket. Hour walk outside when it's -10 degrees? NOPE.

This is called risk evaluation and mitigation.

Here's another one. Every time I drive a car and come to a red light, it's an annoyance and an aggravation and I get VERY tired of the delays to my travel. BUT I NEVER GET TO SAY, "I'M TIRED OF STOPPING AT RED LIGHTS, I'LL JUST BUZZ THROUGH THIS ONE INTERSECTION."

Four years spent in science labs working with various poisons and caustics left its mark on me. I cannot imagine saying, "I've worn goggles, aprons, and gloves every time all semester and it's a hassle, so Imma go without today." And despite diligently taking precautions every time I was in the lab, I went home more than once with acid-eaten holes in my sleeves or a yellow dot of nitric acid on my skin. And others had worse accidents. BECAUSE SHIT HAPPENS.

So I can have both annoyances at once without cognitive dissonance. If someone's doing all they can, weighing risks, taking the ones they deem worthwhile, being responsible about accepting and mitigating the consequences of mistakes? I'm all over empathy and ready to support in any possible way.

5. Um. But my opinion of people who thoughtfully, deliberately refuse to take precautions against infection because they are misguided, distrust all expertise except their own, and are breathtakingly selfish? Yeah, don't come at me with the sympathy pleas. I'll save my energy for others.

6. Didn't get much done today because I was here ranting (and elsewhere researching) but hey. At least I'm wordsing, not mutely doom-scrolling through Facebook & Twitter, right?

7. We're watching Shang Chi at home tonight instead of Spiderman in a reserved theater because multiple people got exposed to Covid over the holiday weekend and that news boosted the risk of 3 hours in a public place w/people outside my bubble over my comfort threshold. I mean. I could've stayed double-masked through the movie and felt comfortable, but that would've diminished the experience below my enjoyment threshold. Risk evaluation. Risk mitigation. Choices.

So. It's Christmas cookies and comfy jammy pants ftw tonight. And this second viewing of Shang Chi affirms my memory that I LOVED this movie bunches. Top 5 in the whole MCU for me.

ANYway. That's all for now. Until later.


Not busy.


More midwinter musings.