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Time to level up, folks

If you're one of the people who's felt my scorn about your take on The American Plague Situation, please know I am not sorry. (If you are not one of those people, be warned this rant is long ranty.) So. Onward.

When you sigh about overwhelming information, muse about lockdowns maybe being too extreme, express concern that the doom predictions aren't coming true but your friends & family are going bankrupt/ being evicted/ losing their savings, if you wonder if the prevention is worth the effort and cost, or maybe it's exaggerated and it's definitely confusing and we can't go on like this forever..this is what's going on in my brain:


I am happy to have rational discussions about issues, and I think I have achieved that standard in most cases despite my above feels...

BUT. When you hear that edge in my voice, when you sense I am less patient than usual, less inclined to accept the validity of your ideas, and not treating your positions as reasonable, there is a reason, and it is this:

You are not reasonable. You are fucked up, AND you are identifying yourself as a direct, immediate threat to my life and the lives of people I love. I will not be chill about that.

Bad ideas come in gangs, and they beat up on rationality. "It's all so confusing" runs with "They're all equally bad," "I can't keep up," and "I don't know what to believe," and they are all shitty excuses that play right into swearing allegiance to the ringleader of rational assassins, Denial.

When you hang out with the "it's so confusing" mindset, you become the "It's fine" meme dog. People deny their way into death by smoke inhalation every year. True story. No joke.

I'm actually in favor of letting people endanger themselves on their own time. But in the case of this pandemic, you are endangering others. Me.

So, fuck your willful ignorance. "Looking at both sides" and "I can see their point" acceptance of all ideas as equal spreads hot takes like "we can't stay locked down, people are going bankrupt," "But the children ARE FALLING BEHIND and having their childhoods ruined" and "cloth face masks don't prevent disease, so are they worth the hassle?"

All those chunks of bullshit can be disputed and debunked point by point, but I have neither the patience or interest for it. No one who accepts them is doing so rationally. No one who even ponders them is thinking straight.

Look. I know news comes at us from all sides like fire hoses of fact & fiction, pouring data into the burning building of The Year 2020. But complaining that you don't know how to interpret it all? That it's too haaaaarrd?


Wading through a neck-high flood of information isn't fun. But it isn't HARD. It's just time consuming. Engage in source-checking, recognize and filter out data that's tied up in bias phrasing and hidden agenda red flags, and translate hyperbole based on the facts you learn from the first two activities, and there you will find consistent, reliable information.

Please understand, my passionate horror of your attitude has deep roots. I have pushed back against the American devaluation of expertise and lived experience for decades now. The whole, "doctors disagree, so I'll believe the conclusion that feels right," makes my blood boil. The eager embrace of anecdote-as-proof, the trust in uninformed intuition, the erosion of respect for intellectual rigor and basic math...I have been howling and growling (and calmly educating people) about these problems for years.

But now the worship of snake oil over science is LITERALLY killing people by the dozens each day. COVID-19 is on its way to becoming endemic, and it didn't have to be this way. We'll be lucky if it doesn't hammer at the fracture points in our society until they shatter and send us careening into open civil warfare. (as opposed to the undeclared war already being waged by federal & local military forces against American citizens right now. BUT I DIGRESS. Sorrynotsorry. Recognizing the seeds of dystopia is kinda my thing.)

And okay, fine. I can't resist. I will bring the hammer of reason down on a few points.

There are social safety nets that could catch EVERYONE facing personal or business losses due to the collision of a pandemic with a private sector Gone Wall Street Wild for 30 years. Mostly in the USA we've gone the "full-on blatant corruption & skimming" route instead, but that isn't the POINT.

The point is, helping people through financial and educational loss is possible. Bringing people back from the dead isn't. And don't get me started on the "that which does not kill us leaves us damaged" aspect of COVID-19 which is becoming clear as cases pile up.

Pitting lives against economics is a rigged game, and if you've been tricked into playing it, you're a fool. Period. There will also be economic devastation if factories shut down, ports shut down, stores close, utilities fail BECAUSE TOO MANY PEOPLE WHO RUN THEM ARE SICK OR DEAD.

Is that possible? Oh, hell, yes. Likely? Maybe? We are NOT under control. We squandered the initial shutdown time without developing resources for identifying & containing outbreaks. And now the spread is skyrocketing because too many people are tired of taking simple precautions. (The dangerous magical thinking goes something like this: we did the shutdown, we flattened the curve, it's all over and now everything is fine!)

Uh. No. We barely flattened out the curve, and never came close to stamping it out anywhere. I expect we will face breakouts for years the way we used to see with measles & polio and still see with flu...and oh, yeah, we could have TWO pandemics at once this winter if it's a bad flu season. Viruses don't care if they're inconvenient.

While I'm ranting, forget the phrase "herd immunity" forever unless you are saying you are a-okay with hundreds of thousands of people dying from COVID-19 and far more facing lifelong medical complications for your hypothetical, temporary protection. At least 20-40% of the whole damned herd has to get infected to matter at all, and its benefit assumes the immunity lasts. WHICH IT USUALLY DOESN'T FOR CORONAVIRUSES. If you are okay with that, GTFO of my life, you are a monster.

Don't believe me? Look up the tweets by the governor of Mississippi, who lays out the gruesome toll.

Oh--and all your friends who are a) swearing they had Covid last year, or b) insisting lots more people had it already and never got sick and that means the fatality numbers are inflated and c) besides, it's mainly old people? A) No. Just. Ugh. NO. B) Check your arithmetic, even if Covid only had the fatality rate of a mild flu, that'd be 325,000 dead people or more if left unchecked, so C) GTFO, monster. And some of those healthy folks walking around are breathing death, and we cannot know who they are.

Also not all the dead will be olds. Hospitals some areas are so full of COVID cases right now that Our Federal Government is hiding the numbers from the public. Young people. Old people. Sick people. Previously-healthy people. Virus doesn't give a damn. The cold numbers are such that even tiny percentages add up to a lotta dead. Math is unforgiving that way.

And that's why masks fucking matter. My fitted mask cuts the risk me exposing someone virus by more than half. I can't know if I'm a healthy spreader. The antibody tests are trash.

But everyone who won't bother to properly cover their damned noses is doubling MY risk. The sheer, flagrant selfishness of it enrages me. FYI, you will not choke on your own toxic exhalations or suffocate because you cover your face with thin cloth or paper. *FACEPALM*

ANYWAY. Wrapping up now, I promise.

All your musing and pondering comes down to the equivalent of this: "I heard the fire alarm, but I don't smell smoke, the fire exits are hard to find, and leaving seems like a waste of time and money, plus so many people say we can ignore the alarms because sometimes the alarms are wrong anyway so I don't know what to believe."

To which I say, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?

If you get to wrap yourself in a comfy blanket of information fatigue and refuse to educate yourself properly or keep a fucking mask over your damned nose, I get to call you a fucking accessory to mass murder.

Yes, I am judging people and finding them wanting. I hate losing faith in so many, MANY people I once respected, especially since they could do better and won't. But alas, I am disappoint. SO DISAPPOINT.

Stay strong, learn the difference between snake oil and science, remember you are mortal. This ain't over. Keep a mask on your face, keep your distance from others, and keep your pantry stocked.

And if you're one of the people who feels the way I do, hail and well met. We shall stand in solidarity. Separately. Safely.

And next post I'll write about my exciting book revisions, or my upcoming Gen Con events or happy garden projects...or something.

Until later!