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The latest in new shiny things.

Word for the day: colophon. Definition: "A publisher's emblem or imprint, especially one on the title page or spine of a book."  (h/t to the spine or title page. OR? Nah. How's about AND?both.gifThe next print runs of my books will have a proper publisher's colophon on their spines and title pages. It's a small thing (literally, quite, quite small) but it gives me a great big happy. And since this world and my life are not over-supplied with happies at the moment, I want to spread what I have as widely as possible.Why do I need another logo? I already have one, right?Well, yes. And no.The Dawnrigger dragon ship graphic is neato-keen, I love it to pieces, especially with the uniquely fanciful name font, but complex graphics aren't paperback-friendly.  That's why I commissioned a proper stamp-style emblem a few months ago. I think I posted a pic of it in its Original Artwork form because it is SUPER FAB, but......but ink & paper originals also do not play well with the finickier elements of print publication in the digital era.  Also, there are issues of legally registering the Dawnrigger Publishing name & symbol, and I had to research that, and so on, etc, blah, blah, blah.All the Things took some time. Life, the universe, and a lot of factors conspired against getting the digital files, but I am pleased to say prettification is now in progress.I've commissioned a friend who is an artist and a graphics professional on top of being a talented writer, to not only add the graphics, but to give my covers a nice refresh too.That's happening right now. THANK YOU RHIANNON! YOU ARE AWESOME AND TALENTED AND SOOOOOOO PATIENT.And while I'm casting shouty-caps gratitude petals, I must a big thank you to ALL my cover artists and graphics designers, past & present, for all the cool & amazing things you have made for me. You know who you are. Please know you are valued & respected and adored and all.As an aside, how is it I've been lucky enough to meet so many incredible, multi-talented people? It really is astonishing how many talented folk the world holds, and y'know, I really am grateful to know you all.What's that? Stop digressing and show you the new colophon? Oh, RIGHT! Here ya go:dawnrigger_colo.exportThat's what'll be on the spines & the title pages of my paperback books soon, along with the Dawnrigger Publishing logo. Don't like it? Cool. The only person who ahas to love it is me, and I LURVE IT.Can't wait to see books with it. So excited.Ooooh, I could get a stamp made, too. Hmm.*wanders off to ponder the possibility of more shinies*Until later, all!