The latest in dream developments.

Long winter nights throw off my usual sleep routine, and weird sleep patterns lead to oddly vivid but disjointed dreams. A few nights ago, I had some doozies.I'm left wondering if the ideas I collected from those slumberland excursions came from ideas I read or saw somewhere, or if they're purely the work of my imagination. I like some of them enough that I might want to use them in a story someday, so I've been doing some research, but to no avail.The most recent sleepytime entertainment involved a new setting, or more precisely a new zone within the complicated urban/suburban region of my dream geography. The place I identify as The City has dozens of neighborhoods and architectures recognizable from real world places I've visited, ones I've studied, fiction I've read, and photos I've seen. Parts of it are medieval, some early industrial, some modern, some futuristic.Evidently there's a tunnel system beneath the section of City that resonates with urban 19th century America/Britain/Europe society. I hadn't known that until last night, despite many a dream in which I've gone deep in basements to hide from tornado storms. (It's an annual recurring dream set.) Anyway. In these newly-appeared tunnels there are Old West-style saloons, modern coffee shops and 50's diners where people sit around and rank the "Worst Deaths" collected from various media entertainments.I do not question the anachronistic establishments while I'm in them, nor do I wonder at modern media discussions taking place in in patently pre-electronics environments. The list is what stuck with me, that and the passion of the discussions about scenes I am 99% sure actually go with the shows being discussed.Content Warning: the next bits are gruesome. Feel free to skip to the second row of asterisks. It's nothing that should shock anyone who's read my fiction, but...I feel I should issue the disclaimer nonetheless. For whatever reason, disturbing creepiness that comes to me in dreams never fazes me while awake, so it's difficult for me to judge its effect with any objectivity. Better warned than squicked out, says I.****************Tops on the "Worst Deaths: Ranked" list was "Death by tallow," aka someone being dipped in hot grease over and over until dead. Has that ever been done on TV? Not that I recall, but it was voted best-worst in the dream discussion I took part in. Every one of my dream friends agreed that was the most horrifically creative means of murder they'd seen, and that it was from a CSI episode.Second place went to "Fire in the belly," meaning someone being carefully eviscerated and then having hot coals dumped in their body cavity.  (I warned you, didn't I?) My dreaming brain insisted this came from Game of Thrones was second. (I can easily believe that but can't place it in any given episode.) Third place was a tie between shoelace garrote from a buddy cop movie whose name I can't remember, (dreams being like that) and being skinned alive with a sander from a horror movie. (also no idea which one)Are any of those death scenes from a real-world existing narrative? I have no idea. But they are all vivid in my brain as items discussed around tables while meals were going on. Which doesn't sound exciting, but there it is. I actually spend a lot of time in dreams watching and listening to imaginary people. And reading. I read things in dreams.****************Other less disgusting but also deeply-engraved concepts from this episode:Coins minted by criminals and used as black market currency by members of an underground culture. They're called Venturi, and stamped from circular metal punch-outs left over from the manufacture of homemade explosive rockets.A rebel militia run by members of that underground group to fund the political overthrow of a  (which is why rockets are being manufactured) They're organized in units like a D&D party, with every cell meeting as a gaming group and using gamer lingo as the code for real world operations.So not all of it was gross, just some of it, and the tunnels part was pretty exciting. My dream world doesn't grow all that often, and expansion is usually tied to personal growth in other areas.Maybe I've been stretching my limits more than I realized, the last little while. Hopeful thought. 


Warm Winter Comforts


Last doing-things post of the year (mostly movies)