The illusion of progress

Writing a whole post of accomplishment lists has led to pondering WHY I like making "I did this" lists so much. Here's my answer: it's a frame adjustment.

I know, I know, "WTF frame what?" Stick with me here. Start with the idea of "progress."

See, all our lives we're taught--both formally and informally-- to find worth in achieving goals and measuring progress, but that whole plan is fundamentally mismatched with the way life WORKS.

Progress is grounded in linear concepts of direction & endpoints. It's all about the quantifiables.

When a task is done, it's done. When a thing is filled, it's full. When a goal is achieved, it's over. There are jokes about the reward for a job well done being another job, but the system is accepted as valid.

Except it ISN'T. Reality doesn't work that way.

Life is built on multiple, interlocking circular processes: sunrise to sunset to sunrise, winter to summer to winter again. Washed dishes get dirty, dinnertime comes around again, dust returns again, plants need tending, laundry piles up AGAIN.

No wonder people feel like we're always failing. We're judging ourselves by a metric that's incompatible w/the medium.

Measuring success & satisfaction by progress is like measuring slices of bread in a loaf by weight. You can do it, but it takes some mental gymnastics.

Lists are my favorite way of somersaulting past frustration & feelings of failure. They line up my position in the endless cycle of Life Doings with the idea of "done," and presto, I HAVE DONE THINGS.

It's not only gymnastics, it's kinda like a magic trick when it works.

Now I'm wondering what neat tricks other people use.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. If you want to celebrate by curling up with a cozy kissing book, may I suggest Weaving In The Ends? I wrote it, it's all about love, but not only and not even mostly the romance hearts & flowers kind. It's about the prickly kind of love, sibling love, family love, and formed-family love, the patient kind and the kind that makes mistakes and owns them and makes amends.

Also, there is knitting. And empaths. Available most places books & ebooks are sold. You can find it here along with the other books in the Restoration collection.

Sleepy cat for everyone who got this far. Until later!

all tuckered out after a long ponder


I click links & read things. It's what I do.


After-Capricon post