Where does the time go...

I'm going through one of those phases when the amount of time passing feels vast in comparison to the activities spent filling it. (I call these phases "days of the week with names ending in y.")  And so I list what I have done as a way to pin down the belief that I did SOMETHING.Books read: Gates of Tagmeth (Kencyrath Book 8) P. C. Hodgell.  I treated myself to the latest in this series as a reward for finishing a Particularly Difficult Scene.  Am now working my way backwards through the series (as one does. What, doesn't everyone do it that way?) Anyway.  I've now also re-read Sea of Time (7) and Honor's Paradox (6)  and I'm halfway through Bound in Blood (5)Some hours disappeared down the rabbit hole of ebook formatting research. 'Porting all the ebooks legally-purchased over a decade into my currently-preferred reading device... was a bit of a challenge. Blame various technology changes. The internet came through once again.Television viewed:I caved in & started watching Marvel's Defenders. I want to punch Iron Fist in the face every single time he's on screen.  Otherwise, I'm not hating it.Sportsball Sunday Afternoons is an autumn event here in Chez Herkes. Because it's soothing and silly. Who's playing? Not really important. Two teams. A bunch of sports announcers. Unintentionally entertaining events are guaranteed.Movies:Beauty & The Beast The live-action Disney remake. Watching it reminded me of listening to a virtuoso musician perform etudes. It was amazing from a technical perspective, gorgeously executed and brilliantly made, but in the end it felt like an exercise.  I did learn that live-action musical numbers with studio sound affect me the same way as uncanny-valley facial animation. They both bug the shit out of me.Kung-fu Panda 3. BECAUSE PANDAS, THAT'S WHY.  I don't know enough about the mythology or culture it hypothetically shows to speak on possible problematic elements. I do confess I loved the sneaky choral rendition of "Kung-Fu Fighting" playing in the background of fight scenes. I wondered if I was hearing things, but no. The whole song with words played during the credits.Oceans Rising. It looked bad sci-fi, so of course I was tempted into viewing it. What a wreck. A total monstrosity of cinema from start to finish. I enjoyed every minute. The movie equivalent of gorging on generic chips & dip. World-spanning disaster movie filmed almost entirely inside rooms with no windows.  I also learned a bit about inertial navigation systems . From Google, not from the movie, which (unsuprisingly) got it wrong.Things Written:I'm not sharing numbers. Measuring progress by word counts gives me hives. (Not judging. It works for folk! It's fab! Count & post away. I won't see it. I avoid looking the way I steer clear of scented dryer sheets, and for the same reason.) But I digress. Suffice to say I am pleased as punch with my progress. Especially since I did it despite doodling away half a day and more on pretty autumn pictures and other detours into visuals.The hardest set-up scenes in Heartwood are done, I've laid in all the remaining chapter titles, (it's a new weird thing with this book. I can't write scenes until I have titles for them) and I did hours of unnecessary research finding the perfect name to re-name a character. The rush-to-conclusion plot avalanche is in full flow. On track to finish before my self-imposed arbitrary deadline. I know that's asking the universe to derail me. Don't care. I'm flaunting my happy progress dance.Away I go to keep up the momentum.

Not tired of my words yet? My published works are available on Amazon and all the other usual online retailers. Science-fiction thrillers, science-fiction romance, and science fantasy, full length novels and shorter works. So many choices! 


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Books In Progress, And Other Happenings