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Some personal word definitions. Because that's all I have today.

After reading a dialogue-heavy book over breakfast (as one does) I pondered how much of every conversations consists of fillers, reflective phrases and "message received" acknowledgements, and that led to more pondering on perpetual nature of communication issues like:

"Are you even listening?""Yes, I heard you."
"Then why are you doing it all wrong?/ "Then why don't you understand?"

Oh, and by fillers, etc, I mean things like,

"Uh-huh. I hear that."
"Go ahead, I'm listening."
"Okay, I think I got it. Is this what you meant?"
"Got it. I can do that."

All this pondering led nowhere useful of course, but it did make me realize that I look at the word pairs hear/listen, understand/comprehend as conversational dance steps. Think foxtrot. Or tango.

  1. Hear: physically register vocal input.
  2. Listen: attempt to comprehend that input.
  3. Understand: receive & recognize the meaning of the input.
  4. Comprehend: input processed and absorbed, ready to put into action

A good conversation can go through that progression many times. (Pretend the words are inside pictures of feet with arrows, maybe? I dunno. I'm not feeling graphicky today.)I think most people learn that hearing is not listening, but maybe it's equally important to grasp that not all listening is successful listening.I've seen a lot of discussions dissolve into frustration and hostility when one participant mistakes passive hearing for listening but I've seen many more crash and burn when someone's certain they've comprehended a new idea merely because they listened to someone talk about it.That's all.  Just thoughts for now. Until later!Oh, PS/PSA for all any worriers in my circle, no this has NOT been inspired by any real conversation I've had with anyone. Srsly.  You're awesomes, alla youses.

Okay, I also have this picture of a flower from a couple of days ago. View on Instagram