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Recent research topics

By recent I mean "today." This is a glimpse of what goes through my brain on a daily basis

--> Identification of red foxes versus coyotes (foxes are not necessarily red but reliably have black legs and a bushy white-tipped L O N G tail held out from body, so what we saw trotting down the sidewalk at midday was probably the neighborhood fox, not the neighborhood coyote)

--> Followup topics: are red foxes native to North America or were they brought over from Europe? (Recent genetic research indicates the populations are all native, contradicting long-held assumptions about gentry colonists bringing them over for game hunting.) Do people still raise foxes for fur? (Ew, yes.) Can you own a fox as a pet in Illinois? (Not legally. Indiana, yes, though) Look at all these cute pet fox videos...

--> Both desiccate and siccate mean dry--why have two such similar words mean the same thing? I knew the answer but double-checked the etymology before responding to someone who asked this online. (They differ in degree. Siccate means dried like you dry off after a shower or hang out wet clothes. Desiccated is dry like beef jerky or a mummy. Latinate words & fun Latin prefixes!)

-->Looked up the location of Tonga on a full world map because news maps annoy me. Followed that by playing "name that European country" on, and also "name that African country. Did not do well on either one, but slightly better with Europe than Africa, no big shocker there.

--> What are marshmallows made of? Why are they called marshmallows? What's the traditional use of mallow? How and where does it grow? Does the flower have a scent? Is it considered an herb? What's the difference between an herb and a spice? History of spice trade. Origin of National Geographic magazine. (Yes, folks, this is how my brain bounces 24/7/365.)

I love the internet. Yes, Wikipedia, I often start there, but the Smithsonian, the Library of Congress, the USDA. The NCBI.NLM.NIH site. Archives galore. Social media is a hellish time suck, but the internet? The internet is fucking amazing. Maybe it makes my writing better? I don't know. It makes the process fun & makes time fly, that's for sure.

my research assistant

That's all for now. Until later!