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Random Thought Update 22.9.2020

It's the equinox

Autumn is official here in the northern hemisphere, & I could not be happier. Crisp nights have already arrived, plant lights come out of storage (the better to ward off winter blahs later) potted herbs have retreated indoors to keep my office fragrant & humid, and new spooky decorations are on order.

Dream caught

A descriptive phrase has popped into my head independently several times now, always around the time of day it describes. I like it, but I don't know where it came from, and it feels too specific to be a thing I thought up myself.

"the heavy stillness of a clear summer sunset"

Do you know the type of sunset I'm thinking about? It's a late-season phenomenon, this brief, hushed pause between day and night, when the hot afternoon breezes disappear into shadow, the noisy, hustling cicadas go silent, and the black leaves on the trees hang motionless against the crystal sky, waiting for the earnest, randy crickets to begin their nightly serenade.

The twilight of a stormy evening is something else again, and in the early weeks of the season, darkness drops hard, windy and cold more often than not. It's only in the heated tween-times cusp between summer and fall that I notice this particular kind of dusk.

Anyway. That was a thing going on in my head lately.


This is the way my brain works:

I'm sitting on the couch watching TV. Thought: ow, my back is achy. Must've pulled a muscle or something at work. I stop tuning out physical signals (the default setting is "ignore body") and realize Trouble Hip is acting up. That creates pain issues from neck to feet. Whee, what fun.

I shift position to ease the strain on that joint. (carefully, right wrist is squishy lately, and it isn't taped for support today) Result: hip pain is worse, not better. I definitely pulled or strained a thing. How? WHO KNOWS? Life. It's a contact sport, and sometimes I get tackled on the blindside.

Shift again. (Careful of left elbow, the tendon is nearing overuse limits) Slight improvement in the hip/spine, but feet start to ache and Trouble Shoulder objects.

Two more position changes put me on the floor. Everything below the "safe to ignore" threshold, even Cranky Wrist. It's a temporary solution, something's sure to fall asleep from the hard-surface pressure, but I get to enjoy the rest of the show. (Fortitude. I'm 4 eps in, and I'm pretty sure it's horror masquerading as murder mystery. I definitely want most of the morally bankrupt characters to die horribly.)

ANYway. Credits roll, and I turn off the TV.

Aaaaaand I finally recall the existence of painkillers. Were you wondering why I didn't take some up at the start? Yeah. It's a mystery to me, too. The pills work like fucking magic once I remember to take them, but the idea of taking ibuprofen or naproxen never pops into mind right off the line. Every single time, I'll muddle along for hours hard as I can before "hey, take a pill!" occurs to me.

I learned a thing or three!

I'ma fan of words that carry sound, feel, and meaning in pleasant, useful & satisfying ways. Here are some new-to-me ones I ran across this week with links to definitions:

  1. tikkun olam
  2. omakase
  3. maft
  4. octothorpe
  5. manicule

Imma leave any further research to you, dear readers. I don't want you to miss out on the joy of discovery I got to enjoy.

That's all until later!

cute pic via