The latest in random happenings

I filled out forms today.It's a truth universally acknowledged that nothing in modern life can happen without filling out all the proper forms before, during and after EVERYTHING one does....or so it often seems to me. Forms hate me. True story.If you've never seen me fuck up a form five times running before getting it right, well, now you know that's a thing. And I did a ton of everyday form-filling today without a single meltdown.So, yay?Confirming con dates, ordering freebies, depositing checks, booking hotels & travel, submitting information here & there, updating spreadsheets...AGH. SO MANY FORMS TO FILL OUT. ARGH.But it's all done, and I've survived.I also made progress & significant decisions on the new beginning for Sharp Edge of Yesterday. It still has a sucky first line, but I am now resigned to "sucky first lines" being my trademark style...and it starts with Jack & Heather snarking on their way to an emergency, so there's that.Rewarding myself with popcorn & hot cider now. (see the featured image for the post.)See ya later, internet.


The latest in random activities


Inside my head right now