Today I:
- Flew around storm clouds to get to Atlanta. So cool to see the thunderheads up close.
- Hauled around many heavy things & stacked them. So many things. So much stacking.
- Posted my full con schedule, Armory & Bard's Tower both, such as it is, on my Official Facebook Writing page. (copied here, just because.)
- Reviewed some hotel/con survival essentials
- Texted people. PHONED people. Yeah, that's right.All righty. That was a looooonnnng day. Bedtime. Tomorrow, the con begins.
That schedule again:
Armory set-up until it's done, then...who knows?
- Armory 9AM-noon (Hyatt Kennesaw)
- Bard's Tower 3-7PM (Vendor level 2, booth 2719)
- Writer's Gather @ 8PM somewhere? It's in the app.
- Bard's Tower 10AM-noon
- Armory 6-8PM
- Armory 10AM-noon
- Bard's Tower 3-6:30PM
- READING w/Broad Universe: Hyatt Techwood
Monday:Sales in the AM, then Armory teardown, then back to wrap up with Bard's Tower.And then the collapse, the sleep, and the trip home. Because con.