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Oorah! Stars for Powerhouse

Every review I get is like a stimulating  author-energy drink.  Reviews  from people who liked the stories come with an added shot of happiness I will never overdose on. Add sprinkles of honesty about what didn't work  on top, and I get all giddy.  Giddy, I say.Check out this happy-making review for Powerhouse from S. L. Perrine on has 4 stars on Amazon to appease the  <mumble-mumble-expletives-deleted> social-engineering review requirements. (if you've missed my many earlier rants, Amazon's wording encourages people click 4 or 2 stars because their visibility weighting algorithms hate a middle vote.If you prefer to avoid the site named for a South American river, you can see the same review on Goodreads with its 3 proud "I liked it" stars on full display: FYI: that review shows Powerhouse's first cover. Here's the current one:Powerhouse webFinal note: reviewers  and writers both benefit from reader upvotes on reviews. Please give Ms. Perrine's review an encouraging "yes this was useful/I liked this review" button-click if you can. The more useful a reviewer's words are, the more their opinions will affect a book's visibility to future readers.