We now return to My Favorite Topic: The New House.

Dragon Con is over. I apologize for not doing much post-con networking & communication, but I can't seem to squeeze in time and brainpower at once. New House Stuff has taken over my life.Brain inertia issues are partly to blame. Once my mind is set on a project--in this case, "nesting into the new space"-- it's nigh-impossible for me to switch mental gears to work on anything else.Things have improved immensely since the Early Post-College Years, when I would forget to eat or drink when I was working. But it's still hard to tear myself away from all things House Related to do anything else (like, say, blog about the house, or write anything else...)Also, life is just HECTIC.During the frenzied house--filled weeks between closing-then-GenCon & Dragon Con, my calming litany was, "Things will quiet down once Dragon Con is over." Yeah...no. NOPE. No sign of quiet.Every day, I work on things until I am exhausted, eat supper, read until I fall asleep, get up, rinse & repeat.The day Spouseman & I flew home, we dropped off luggage and went right back out to buy furniture to construct. (IKEA is perfect for those of us who have houses with tiny doorways & steep stairs) Also, grocery shopping. And laundry round 1.Yesterday, Laundry part 2 got done between shopping for other new home necessities & finishing work on the Old House. Unboxing, furniture placement & bookcase filling took us well into the night.Today I was all over the place. Felt like nothing got finished, but...Outdoors: organized the garage & did tons of yard work. Indoors: rolled out rugs, put up paintings, learned to operate a new carpet cleaner & steam-cleaned a BIG room.Tomorrow I do return/exchanges, oversee the Old House real estate pics, take care of the Old House yard, & back at New House, I ned to move stuff into the room with the cleaned carpets.And maybe...just MAYbe...get a little quiet time.I hope.Until later! 


A wonderful thing happened while I was distracted.


There's more to my life than the new house: there's also Dragon Con!