New Book, Exciting News!

All five Rough Passages tales have been collected into one big, happy edition with extra world-building material, stunning interior design from RuneWright LLC and a gorgeous cover by Quincy J. Allen.Rough Passages-Digital 558CoverHere's the link to its shiny Amazon entry: Rough Passages book pageAnd here's a peek inside at the dedication pages, interior decorations and a few pages of text: Rough Passages sneak peek  **NOTE** It's a PDF, so it might download instead of opening online, all depending on your choice of browser & platform.Now, by popular demand, I am adding my list of easy ways for current readers to support my campaign to sell a gazillion copies of the new book. Because OF COURSE you want to help.The best part: these suggestions are totally transferable. Think Rough Passages is total dreck and not worth your time? Great! Read these ideas anyway, then take your wrongheaded perfectly valid opinion and go elsewhere to support the new release of some other extra-awesome author.

  • If you're a fan & on Goodreads, help the collection find new readers. Give a rating to the book's Goodreads entry now.* You don't even have to review. GR allows naked ratings. Also put it on your GR "want to read" list if you can.

*Yes, this is totally legit even though the book doesn't release for a couple of weeks. LEGIT, I SAY.  NORMAL. Many authors release bundled works or repackaged novels etc. People get review copies. People read drafts.  Whatevs. If you've read these stories already, you should go forth and scatter stars freely.

  • Pre-order a Kindle copy ASAP (if you do Kindle.) Get your friends to do the same. Multiple same-day orders boost the ranking tons higher than the same # of orders spaced days apart. HIgher rankings = higher visibility for other potential readers.
  • Ponder writing a ten-word review for Amazon. You have weeks yet to dash off a line or two to post opening day. I will be putting together a deli-sandwich-style guide to writing quick&easy reviews. Yes, I will post it to this blog.
  • Spread the word! In person as well as online.  Social media shares are great (and thank you to my many, awesome boosters!) but specific encouragements to friends are like gold dipped in gold with gold leaf wrappers on.

My best-ever score for preorders is 20. Pathetic? Maybe, but it's still a goal.  Rough Passages has already exceeded the historical low of 2 5 preorders for a past title not being named to protect the guilty.  I am pleased to say Rough Passages met the initial challenge, achieved a total of "legal drinking age in the US" and heading towards "Same total as the number of pennies in a quarter.If everyone who calls me friend or favorite living author (Multiple people have, I am not making that up) the total should easily exceed 10 might get as high as Existential Crisis. (that's 30.)Anyway,  I have a win already but I want a BIG win.  I would love to blast past the old high score. Aim high. Yeah. Call me a dreamer.


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