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More on Restoration Week

Another national holiday coming up, so here's more on my imaginary national holiday.The guiding principles of Restoration Week are: Remembrance, Duty, Courage, Sacrifice, Faith, Commitment, and Hope. Each ideal got its own day.  Here's a bit about each, couched as elementary explanations that might be used in a children's civics class.)

  • Day One: Remembrance:
    • Begin by remembering that we destroyed ourselves. Remember how pride, selfishness, and anger threw this country and all the world into chaos. Remember and honor those who gave the last full measure of devotion to the resurrection of this great nation. Remember those who came before you. They made Restoration happen. You will make it succeed. Each of us must be steadfast in our loyalty if our new union is to long survive
  • Day Two: Duty
    • Freedom is not free, citizenship is earned, and while we stand united, no one of us will fall. When everyone offers time and talents to the greater good, then we all share in the benefits. We are all in this together, like family members who don’t always agree but who do always pull together to help one another. Respect your family. Take pride in your service.
  • Day Three: Courage
    • Rebuilding our nation was not a safe, easy undertaking. Do you hold fast in the face of physical danger? That is one form of bravery. Do you speak out when you see others are belittled or abused? Do you embrace those who scorn your personal beliefs? Those things require courage too. Be brave today.
  • Day Four: Sacrifice
    • Count your blessings, and honor those who fight and die to ensure that you might keep them. What have you sacrificed? What have you given up, to help others and to add to the community? Today, take time to reflect on the balance of your life.
  • Day Five: Faith
    • Believe in a world larger than yourself. Skepticism is healthy, but cynicism is an ugly strangling disease. Look in your heart and ask yourself: what do I believe in?
  • Day Six: Commitment
    • The Restored United States is committed to the proposition that all of us are created equal. What are you committed to achieving? Do you make dreams come true? On this day, commit to at least one goal for the coming year, for yourself and others.
  • Day Seven: Hope
    • We are who we are today because the power of hope drove a select few to accomplish miracles. They kept the faith, committed their hearts to the service of others, and sacrificed their lives to our Restoration. Rejoice in their victory.

Holiday observance is a cultural activity, and practices change with every generation. Christmas today is not celebrated as it was when I was a child, far less what it was when my grandparents were children. Traditions evolve. Here's how I decided the observances would affect the identity for each day at the time of my novels happen:Remembrance: devoted to family memorials and  kick-off parties with subdued, socially-conscious or historical themes.Duty: family gatherings & giftingCourage: the day for dares and limit-pushing, and for commercial promotion of adrenaline-rush diversions. "Try A New Hobby Day"Sacrifice: "Sackers" use the day as justification for making sure "haves" they think are too complacent sacrifice material goods  so they'll better understand society's "have-nots." Bluntly put, it's an excuse for vandalism.Faith: originally and deliberately designed as a secular spin on faith, a wide array of religions use this as a day for evangelism.Commitment: Always the lowest key and least-defined of the celebratory days, it is considered by most to be a "breather" day before the carnival climax of Hope weekend.Hope: The country's annual excuse for throwing huge parties. Like New Year's Eve, only without arbitrary countdowns disrupting the celebrations at midnight.I could've made a chart of comparison or something, but no. I don't have the patience. This is all I gots, so it's what you gets. Happy reading.