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MOAR GEN CON: Friday edition

At Booth 1841 with Games Plus. All weekend. Just saying.It's 11 PM on Gen Con Friday. Today was equally epic to yesterday in similar ways. My feet hate me. I am dead-dog tired. The con is still going strong. I'll post some pics at the bottom of the post. ALL the gaming goes on until 2AM. And gaming is welcomed in almost every imaginable spot in the convention center and most of the hotels. SO. COOL.Today's things of note:

  • The people in the booth next to Games Plus are demo'ing and selling a neat game called Era of the Ninja. I got to chatting, As One Does, and it turns out one of them works in a library in Ohio & likes SF & fantasy, go figure. We talked libraries, and books, and she now has a copy of Rough Passages to take back to her library. So maybe soon people in Ohio will be checking out my book.  That would be sweet!
  • I played hooky all morning with my Minneapolis friends & generation-next, tackling my third True Dungeon. Our party reigned victorious, although my elf wizard did not survive the final encounter. Next time, someone needs to be a cleric. When the druid is the only healer and everyone is being zapped & poisoned left & right...yeah.
  • But hey. I boosted the team's initiative to beat the Big Bad to the first punch, AND I bumped up the ranger's fighting ability before I expired. We rocked the teamwork part. ANYway. The event was fun and it was truly a joy to hang with  good friends I feel instantly comfortable around despite a gap of nearly 10 years...but that isn't even the big news.
  • The BIG news is: a book sold while I wasn't even at the booth. How 'bout THEM apples, eh, world?  Now if you're wondering, "Is one whole book sale that exciting?" The answer is, "HELLS YEAH IT IS." It can't be a pity sale if I'm not even there, see? I did more sales today than I expected again, and am now sold out of the title I didn't bring many of because I didn't expect it would sell, based on past cons.
  • I continued to practice good people-engagement and passed out stickers & bookmarks and bitty-little biz cards all day. My smile muscles are so tired.
  • Note to self for the next generation of bling: get the website name onto the stickers somehow, and do author-branded bookmarks rather than book-focused ones. Maybe bookmarks to match the banner styling. Also 2 banners, with the full text.
I'm sure there's more, but I'm wiped and want to wind down with a little more reading in Freelance Familiars before bed.  Here are the pics I promised.
Two whole days yet to go. I'm gonna be soooooo tired by the end of this. But so happy. That's my prediction right there.