Michigan Comic Con. Year 1 Day 2

I fell asleep in the middle of writing this last night, so here ya go, morning post instead.  Let's start off with the featured image--that's Scooter, from Spouseman's "Where is your cat sulking now?" daily report to me. Okay. Now, onward to the con news.True confession: I didn't realize until halfway through yesterday that this was the first year for Michigan Comic Con, not just the first year for me. The things I learn, I tell ya.I'm always going to a con for the first time these days, but this is the first time I've been at a con's first time. Gotta say, it's been pretty awesome so far. A lot of people showed up  and enjoyed themselves, and it was only Friday. Huzzah for early success.It was a great day for me too. Several thoroughly enjoyable conversations with people about Rough Passages, and the postcards featuring the cover of Sharp Edge of Yesterday are getting lots of interest. MANY thanks to Rhiannon Taylor for the fab painting & design.I'll share the cover with the internet soon, I swear, but right now it's time to start day 2.Have some pics from yesterday. Mostly of Optimus Prime, because he is the most awesomest of booth neighbors.
Oh, and one of my books. :DIMG_4548

Michigan ComicCon report double-header: new book cover reveal too!


Michigan Comic Con. It's where I am.