making the best of bad times

My professional plans for this weekend imploded in a most frustrating way, and I'm...pretty torqued about it. Sad, frustrated, disappointed, you name it.But...instead of seething about it, I'm giving myself a consolation prize: a Total Writing Retreat. (tm)I was supposed to be out of town, so everything is set for me to be gone. It should be fun to see how much I can get written while I'm pretending I'm on the road, offline, cut off from the everyday routine & exempt from household responsibilities.I'm still REALLY unhappy. But maybe I can make somethng of it? I dunno. I hope so.Meanwhile, if anyone feels like helping cheer me up, you could always buy Rough Passages or one of my other books, leave an Amazon or online review for something of mine you've read already, send me a picture of my book in your collection or TBR stack...or heck, just post funny pictures on social media?  I'll see 'em when I'm back online next week.But reviews & sales would make me happiest. Yes, I am shallow and mercenaryLook. It's simple. I  want to reach All The Readers Ever.Each sale and especially every Amazon review causes a real and dramatic boost in my visibility. Support from you, my loyal & astonishing followers, makes the party even bigger.And sometime bigger really is better. 4B3CA471-FCF2-4E1C-95B0-23C46338E2C3.


What I did while I wasn't gone


Getting comfortable in my writer skin