Last Week With Mister Pips and Me

It was an eventful week, what with multiple day-eating appointments (body maintenance, car maintenance, eye maintenance) a tornado warning on Tuesday night, 30+ degree temperature shifts Wednesday & Friday, and a lot of shopping for various long-overdue-to-replace things.

Pips came through all the disruption like a champ. The tornado sirens worried him, but he loves the new harness and leash I bought him.

(pics with alt-text at the original post on Patreon, no paywall.)

And here be the things going on in my world that I think are worth recording:

-> TInyletter went bye-bye on Thursday, and I still haven't chosen a new newsletter provider. That's partley beause I've begun questioning whether I want to continue a strictly separate email newsletter in addition to my other communication channels. It feels redundant, but there's a point to redundancy, and I have argued myself into decision paralysis. (Which is a kind of decision, I know, but "decision by inertia" is unsatisfying.)

-> News came out Wednesday that has decided to go Full Supervillain in terms of allowing AI scraping content, so I am now looking for a new website provider as well as a new newsletter provider. Or not. Bah. I really do not want to have to set up a whole new website on some other service, and the idea of "self hosting" is a Hard. No. (Grr. I love technology, but the enshittification of technology I do not love.)

-> I've done a bunch of line edits and made improvements to Relics From A Traveling Show, so now it's...done? For this stage anyway. It's time to send it off for editing, and I really, really need to commission cover art. But ugh, that means contacting artists and communicating, and more decisions, and and I'm honestly tired just thinking about it.

-> I will do it all. I will. Not gonna lie, though, it all feels very overwhelming right now. I have made a to-do list (with many sub lists!) for all the admin & setup stuff. That helped.

-> Got word back from my audiobook producer that the full recording is in progress! That is huge happy news. I've made a tod-do list for getting cover art & doing all the "give it an ISBN, upload info, edit the blurb & description" work that will need to be done there, too.

-> MiniCon is in 3 weeks. I feel ready for everything except the road trip. It's been 3 years since I drove on a highway for any length of time, and I hated every minute of that. But. Old car, old glasses, not knowing if somethin was wrong with my eyes (no) bad weathtr, at night, on truck-filledmetro expressways...this drive should be different in a lot of better ways. I hope.

-> Happier driving news, this week I started finding excuses to drive my new car more, and I've been loving it. I went back to the dealership for a second tutorial on all the features Thursday, and I have mastered the seat, steering wheel, media player, map, and heating. Next week's goal: drive highway speeds w/out traffic around so I can practice w/the cruise control. Which means, not the expressways around here. I'm thinking some country-road driving. If the weather holds.

-> Everything's sprouting in the yard. I'll get around to posting about that soon. And about other things. I keep thinking, "I should post about____" and then I think of a second thing, and a third, fourth, and fifth, and then write about Serena and Parker arguing over dogs training instead. (not that I'm making progress with the story, though. Just...playing. And enjoying the playing.)

So, okay, I wasn't a total lazy slug all week, it only felt that way.

Gonna try to lay down more words in more ways, in the coming weeks, though.

That's all until later.


Working Through Some Changes