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It's nippy out there.

The air temp was up to a balmy -15 °F when I took my walk today. That's before wind chill. The wind chill has been at "OH HELL NO" since last night. -15 marked the high point between -24 last night, and -23 projected for tonight. -50 wind chill anyone?Yes, I went outside in that kind of cold. Yes, on purpose. Yes, without a job location I had to travel to reach, or a pet who needs walking, or any other external justification.Why? Why not? Being able to do things like stroll around in the killing cold by choice remind me how lucky and rich I am, relatively speaking, and how grateful I am for so much in my life.Also, if I don't get my body moving and keep moving at a steady pace for at least 30 min a day, I hurt, but I could do enough walking indoors to cope. Not easily, and going around and around inside the house is boring as hell, but hey. I have done it.But given the choice between boring laps and going out into the deep freeze? No contest.It was a fantastic hike and meditative too. I spent the time focusing on my breathing rhythm, maintaining awareness of my body's position, location, and surroundings (the whole world changes in incredible, beautiful ways when it's super-cold) least, that's what I was doing when I wasn't concentrating on ways to keep my glasses from frosting over.I'd been out about a half-mile when I realized why I was enjoying myself so much. Dealing with weather like this is a lot like swimming. You're deliberately exposing your body to a medium that will kill you if you're immersed in it too long, but with the right gear, training, and effort, the experience can bring you a satisfying thrill.When it comes to gear, I have tons. Decades worth. I ruthlessly toss or donate clothes that wear out/don't get worn, but cold weather kit keeps well. And scarves? Well. Textiles are my dragon hoard.

My winter coat is literally designed for Antarctica-- it came from someone who went on a cruise trip with a company that uses old Russian icebreakers. It has a patch on it and everything.

My closet is packed with thick, plushy hoodies & warm socks and so on. I am spoiled for choice.  I not only have sleek, soft long underwear comfort-rated to sub-zero, I have fleecy versions I can layer over it and under my outerwear.

Hats? Ear protection? insulated gloves with mitten covers? Scarves and ear bands to keep everything but the eyes safe from wind chill? YUP.

And boots with thick soles to keep my toesies in a dry, temperature-controlled environment are my year-round standard.

Basically, I was all set for today.  Note, please, none of my stuff is new. A purple wool scarf my friend Jody found for me and the sparkly red scarf gifted to me by my other friend Tess are the  youngest pieces in the ensemble. Some of the long underwear is old enough to drive, and I think the coat is old enough to vote.But it's all good gear, so when I wrap up to go out in the killing cold, I am covered top to toe in cuddlesome coziness and feel super-rich and thankful for every protective piece.I've had training too. Nothing rigorous, just enough to make me comfortable navigating a populated neighborhood.  There were many lessons in cold weather survival in my youth, plus I've done a lot of independent study since then. (hello, I'm a writer)  Knowing when to stop is a key skill, and listening to my body saying "enough!" is a thing I have learned well.Once I find some goggles (frosty eyeglasses are a real PITA) I will be able to easily handle hikes on days far colder than this one. Goggles have been on a vague quest list for years now. Since Polar Vortexes are likely to be a recurring issue, I think I will make a point of hunting some down before next winter.Because it really was a lovely walk today, and I want to do more.By the way, if anyone is wondering, no,  I wasn't the only one out there. I wasn't even the only person out here without a dog on a leash. I spotted one hardy soul out running, and no one was even chasing them.Was there a point to this post? I don't know. But we've reached the end of it.That's all for now. Thanks for reading.