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Recharging the brain batteries

Got home last night LATE after meeting tons of new readers at the incredibly awesome first-ever Michigan Comic Con. I had a blast.Gratitude shout-outs to Alexi & Erika at Bard's Tower for inviting me, and additional HUGE thanks to the generous and talented Jody Lynn Nye, who offered me a ride and who always has been everything any writer could ask for in a professional mentor.And now I am Absolutely Worn Out.I'm slowly coming to terms with the need to give myself recovery time & space after road trips. The post-exhilaration crash is inevitable. Every time a con ends, I think, "Hey, cool, I'm not so exhausted this time. I'm fine! Yay, growth!"  Then I get home a few hours later with a sore throat, achy eyes, and a bad case of twitchy nerves...Adrenaline lies, I tell ya. And the rebound is a major PITA. Every single damned time, it happens. After two years of cons, I finally have the self-care down to a single-day recharge. (barring emergencies, crises, or other disruptions.) Today's edition so far:

  • a round of proper tea, caffeinated and strong. (my favorite loose leaf blend steeped sufficiently in a TEAPOT, Ah, bliss. )
  • a satisfying workaday breakfast (fruit & greek yogurt w/ crunchies & honey)
  • much lounging about the house, spoiling the cat and catching up on reading.
  • a bout of cathartic weed-yanking that delivered immediately gratifying results.
  • harvesting a batch of tomatoes & basil to go w/some aged gouda my wonderful Spouseman picked up for me as a welcome-home gift. Look at this deliciousness:

IMG_3890So. Good.Being able to take a recovery day is no small blessing, and I appreciate how lucky I am to be in a position where I can do so. With no plans for the rainy afternoon--NONE--I can physically feel energy returning as the emotional surf settles.I love travel, but returning to the nest is the best. Just ask the cat. He has opinions.img_3888.jpgMore week, probably? Or after Dragon Con, which is only 10 days away.<gulp>ONLY TEN DAYS 'TIL DRAGON CON!