Inside my head

I realized recently more than half of my meals consist of a fruit, a vegetable, a bread, and a cheese, plus tea. Cheese pizza & applesauce; crackers & veggies w/spread & berries; pickles, bread, sliced cheese & apple; lettuce salad w/almonds & cranberries and a pita...what can I say? I'm predictable.Last con of 2018 for me this weekend. VERY much looking forward to it as I pack up my stickers, bookmarks, signs, and of course my books. I have "con boxes" now. the whole repping myself as an author feels...real and mostly comfortable. At least at small cons.I haven't mentioned this lately, but if you've ever wondered, any images on this blog I don't take with my phone camera come from Pixabay. They're all CC0 no-rights-reserved public domain images, but I believe in sourcing (and paying a bit when I can.) So if you like pretty pictures, is a great place to find them.Using a gate-keeper and a screen time tracker to keep my online distractions under control really works. I'm at 2 hours/day on the mobile side, including texting and my fitness tracker, with no social media access on the laptop. I'm a happier camper without it, and a much more productive one. Next goal: trim my TV/movie viewing down to 1 hour on non-library nights and nothing after midnight. That...will be a challenge.The latest in searches:

  • LBJ programs Great America
  • evidence tape procedures
  • difference between gourds & squash

Must-share site of the moment: TIL Reddit. It's a fountain of random trivia WITH CITATIONS for each entry. It might as well have been created for me. Writing research gold, and a great story idea generator too.Random cat pic:img_5645No Context WIP snippet:

The world of the living ceased to interest Fletcher Davis when his last great-great-grandson retired and moved away. Fletch had been dead a long time by then—a century or so—and without family in town to keep him entertained, the mortal world quickly grew boring.

And that's all the all there is for this time.


WindyCon 45 quick report
