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In other news...

I resisted as long as I could, but a Discord account has happened at last.I'm not posting my handle yet/here...mostly because what I like most is that I don't HAVE to "friend" the world to have enjoyable topic-based interaction.(Also I have no freaking idea what I'm doing and want to dabble a bit before I start reaching out much.)If we are friends IRL or close buddies online through some other social platform & you want to connect on Discord, by all means message me your handle.BUTDo NOT take it personally if I don't send a friend request or respond to one. PLEASE don't. I am easily overwhelmed & lurking is my learning zone.My first impression overall is, it's brilliant. Topics/servers divided into channels for smaller topics or threads of interest, with the idea of friending saved for for private, personal interaction? AND convo timelines that are reliably chronological? Yeah. I could get used to that.It reminds me of the old-fashioned newsgroup environment, with the added conveniences of sms group chat and a voice option.And I loved the rec.arts.sf.written newsgroup back in the Earthlink/AOL/9600 baud modem days...oy, so long ago now. (My handle there was Sarcastic Wench, btw. Truth in advertising.)ANYway. I'm all excited about the new addition, so, I'm sharing. It's what I do. I get excited about things, and I post about them.